
Impress Your Guests with This Easy-to-Make Apple Pecan French Toast Bake

Make Your Mornings Magical with This Rich and Delicious Recipe

Are you ready to elevate your breakfast game to a whole new level? Look no further than this scrumptious Baked Apple Cinnamon French Toast recipe. With a delightful blend of sweet, tart apples, warm cinnamon, and creamy custard-soaked bread, this dish is a breakfast dream come true. Whether you're preparing a special brunch for loved ones or simply treating yourself to a cozy morning treat, this recipe promises to fill your kitchen with irresistible aromas and your taste buds with pure satisfaction. So, roll up your sleeves , and let's embark on a culinary journey to create a breakfast masterpiece that will leave you craving more.


4 or more apples

6-10 slices bread

2 tablespoons butter

3/4 cup heavy cream

3/4 cup milk

5 large eggs

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)

2-3 tablespoons lemon juice

1/2 cup light brown sugar

2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

pinch nutmeg (optional)

1/2 cup chopped pecans


toaster oven

cutting board


frying pan

glass baking dish

small mixing bowl

shallow dish for dredging


measuring cups and spoons

slotted spoon

heat proof measuring cup

As always, begin with washing your produce! Those apples won't clean themselves, after all.

Measure your brown sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg (optional) into the small mixing bowl. Add two tablespoons of lemon juice and whisk until you get a thin, mostly mixed liquid. If it's still a bit thick, go ahead and add that last tablespoon of juice.

Core and cut your apples into no more than half inch thick slices. We used four apples, but feel like this recipe could easily accommodate twice as many. Adjust for your preferences, and if you do shoot for more apples, get a bigger frying pan or be ready to work in waves when it comes time to cook them.

Dump your apple slices into the liquid and give them a good shake or toss to cover them. Let them sit there for a little while and move on to another task.

We split each of our large slices of bread in half in order to fit the maximum amount of bread into the toaster oven in one wave. This is totally optional; this step only exists because our toaster oven is not a standard size.

Whether you split your slices or not, toast them for at least two minutes. We want the bread to be slightly stiff in order to hold up to your eggy, custardy mixture in a minute.

While your bread toasts, measure your cream and milk into the shallow dish and whisk in the eggs. Add vanilla at this stage, if you plan to use it. We like the extra sweet note, but not everyone does.

After your bread has been toasted, grease the bottom and sides of the baking dish and preheat your oven to 350.

Those apples we told you to leave alone for a while? Go grab them. Melt the butter into the frying pan over low heat, then add all the apples and the liquid. Let them simmer for about five minutes on low. They'll begin to bubble around the edges; this is normal. Give a stir, flip them over, and let them go a minute or two more.

While the apples cook, dredge your toast through the egg mixture, fish it out with a fork, and plop a layer down in the baking dish.

When the apples are done, remove them from the heat and use a slotted spoon to separate the apples from the syrup. Put the apples back into the dish they were soaking in previously, and dump the syrup into the heat proof measuring cup. Do not let the syrup cool in the pan - it candies up and turns to a caramel consistency.

If it's threatening to become caramel, or if you missed that last instruction, add some more butter and a tablespoon of water and stir over the lowest possible heat setting. Stir a lot. Be very patient with it, as it will look at first like nothing is happening. Once it liquefies again, please transfer it to the cup.

Spread a thin layer of apples over the eggy bread in the bottom of the baking dish. Alternate layers of bread and apples until you're out of bread. Pour the remaining egg mixture evenly over the top and allow it to soak in, then move the dish to the oven.

Let it cook for 25 minutes, then remove it from the oven, add the pecans, pour the syrup over it, and return it to the oven for another 20-25 minutes. Double check it to make sure it's done by the toothpick test - when a toothpick or knife inserted into the middle of the dish comes back out clean, the french toast is ready.

Cut into eight servings and enjoy!

Whether you've prepared this dish to share with loved ones on a special morning or simply pampered yourself with its delicious embrace, it's a culinary journey worth embarking upon time and time again. Let us know if you decide to over on our Facebook page. 

If you wound up here because you’re in need of an appliance repair technician, we can help. You can get hold of us by calling ((214) 599-0055) or by going to our website

Additional Reading: 

Easy No-Cook Not Quite a Cannoli   

Escapee From New York: Chocolate Bagels 

5 Smoothie Recipes For Quick Meals

Smoothies make a great grab-and-go meal when you need something filling but not over the top.

We love making smoothies because you can grab them and go. A bit of prep, a bit of noise and then toss it all into the freezer and you can have a week's worth of breakfasts or lunches that are healthy and filling ready to go.  If you do it right, you can even use them to lose weight. We're not promising crazy results, we're looking at recipes that are shown to be filling, taste good and are actually healthy for you. 

The one universal tool that you're going to need for this list is a blender. It doesn't have to be the most expensive blender on the market,  you just need it to be powerful enough to chop through frozen fruits, vegetables and ice. As to those fruits and veggies. While fresh ones are fantastic, you can work with frozen just as easily. Finally, we did something we don't usually do and that's given the calorie count for each recipe.  We've done that so that you can see how much goes into these and make your choices accordingly. Keep in mind that calories aren't necessarily bad so much as  a "my body needs x number of calories to function." 

Now, on to the smoothies.

Peach Crumble Smoothie

  • 1/4 c rolled oats

    1/2 Banana - Frozen is best so that they chill everything

    1 c peaches - Fresh is best, but the frozen is tasty and easy to get hold of.

    1 c milk - You can swap out cows milk for any other type that you like, including almond milk which turns out very nicely, and lowers the calorie count further. If you do decide to go with almond milk, we suggest upping your vanilla to 2 tsp.

    1 tsp brown sugar

    1/2 tsp cinnamon

    1 tsp vanilla

  • With this one we're going to start with a choice. Do you like boba? If you don't know what boba tea is yet, consider instead whether you like texture in your smoothies. If the answer is yes, go ahead and skip this step.

    If the answer is no, then you need to take your chia seeds and add them to your oats and toss both into the blender. Pulse those until you end up with a fine powder, dump it into a bowl and set it to the side.

    Next up grab your pears and blueberries and toss those into the blender. You can take your choice on whether you want to add in the juice of the pears or not. If it's for a dessert smoothie, we think it's a great idea. If not, you might want to avoid that idea.

    Now add your powdered goods back in and blend till smooth. Congrats, Smoothie!

Tropical Smoothie

  • 1/2 cup rolled oats

    2 large peaches (Frozen is fine, fresh is better.)

    3 cup frozen mango

    1 medium banana (Ditto on the frozen vs fresh)

    1/4 cup Greek yogurt

    1/8 cup orange juice

    1 cup coconut water or almond milk

  • Start by adding your oats to the blender and pulsing until your oats are a fine powder. Pour them into a bowl and set them aside.

    Then, if you're working with fresh bananas and peaches you're going to need to slice up the banana and pit and slice the peaches.

    Next, toss your fruit into the blender and let it go. Add in all of the other ingredients together and blend till smooth. For your blogger, this is a full meal thanks to the addition of the oats. Make sure to test it yourself before you rely on it though.

Peach and Mint Smoothie

  • 2 large peaches (as per everything else, you can use frozen and be just fine, although yes, fresh is better. If it's the right season we suggest trying both white and yellow peaches and see which you like better.)

    ½ cup plain yogurt

    12 large fresh mint leaves (no, dried really doesn't work here)

    2 teaspoon lime juice (fresh is always better, but if you can't, bottled will work just fine)

    12 ice cubes (or you can play around and add more. This is for how thick you want your smoothie to be.)

    2 teaspoon honey or your sweetner of choice, but it really does taste good with clover honey

  • Alright! Grab everything and chuck it into your blender. Hit blend until it's smooth. Enjoy!

Irish Cake Smoothie

  • 1 1/3 cup Rolled Oats

    4 tablespoons Flaxseeds

    5oz Frozen Spinach

    1 teaspoon Ground Ginger

    1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon

    2 1/2 cups Water

  • This is a surprisingly filling recipe, although we're still trying to wrap our heads around /why/ it is.

    Start off by putting both your rolled oats and the flaxseed into your blender and pulse until you've got a fine powder.

    Add in your spinach, ginger, cinnamon and water and mix until smooth.

    Thanks to the amount of water this is a thinner smoothie than others on the list, but it will give you plenty of get up and go.

Blueberry and Pear Smoothie

  • 16 oz frozen blueberries

    1 14 oz can of pears

    2 Tbsp of chia seeds

    1 cup of rolled oats

  • In your blogger's house, this is one that's turned to often, as bananas are actually pretty easy to freeze. Just slice them up when they're at peak ripeness and toss them into the freezer in a freezer safe bag or container. Then you can use them as you need, rather than worrying that they'll go bad.

    When you're ready to make your smoothie, don't just toss everything in at the same time. We suggest starting with the rolled oats. Pulse those until you have nothing but powder left so that it mixes into the smoothie more easily. Dump that into a bowl and set it aside. Now add in your frozens and your milk, and blend until smooth. At this point you can add all of your other ingredients in, including the oats, and blend until smooth. If you find that you want the smoothie to be thinner than it is, feel free to add in more milk, keeping in mind that that is going to boost the calorie count.

For any of the recipes we've shared, you can make adjustments, in fact, we suggest that you do. Take them and try out more of one thing and less of something else. Add in more oats if you want to be full for longer and less if it's meant to be just a light snack between meals. 

All of these can be stored in one of two ways, depending on the space you have.

- You can get yourself a silicone ice mold (choose your shape and depth preference), pour in the smoothies and let them freeze, then transfer those into a freezer bag or container for easier storing. 

-Alternatively, you can freeze them in freezer safe glasses/jars so that all you need to do is transfer them to the fridge 24 hours before you plan to drink them and let them defrost that way. 

Both options work, and it's really just dependent on how much freezer space you have available. 

You've probably noticed that our recipes have a LOT of peaches in them. That's because peach is a super sweet fruit that's easy to freeze and get your hands on year-round, but it's hard to overpower. So it works well with different vegetables and other fruits that you want to work into your diet. 

If you try out any of our recipes, please let us know how it goes! We'd love to hear from you in the comments below or over on our Facebook page.  

If you're turning to smoothies because your stove is currently not working (rather than the Texas heat..) we can help. You can give us a call at our office ((214) 599-0055), or reach out via our contact page to set up an appointment. At Appliance Rescue Service, we'll work with you to figure out what the problem is and get your home running smoothly again. 

Orchard Bread, The Whole Year Round

Using different fruits you can make this tasty treat all year and celebrate the turn of the seasons too!

What's filling, sweet, and easy to carry and won't make you feel like you have a car tire around your middle? Orchard bread. Call it fruitbread, fruitcake, cherrybread, orchard bread, whatever you like. The basic concept is the same. Lots of delicious dried mixed fruits + a sweet bread base.  It's delicious, it's wonderful any time of year, and if you wrap it properly, you'll be able to eat it before it turns into a doorstop. 


3/4 cup golden raisins

3 Tbsp amber rum

3/4 cup all purpose flour

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp baking soda

kosher salt

It doesn’t have to be this particular brand, but you want to make sure that it says unsulphured on the bottle so the recipe turns out right.

1/3 C packed brown sugar (dark or light will work, but we suggest light) 

1 1/2 cups packed dried strawberry halves 

1/3 c dried cherries

1/3 c dried cranberries

3 c walnut halves, lightly toasted 

3 eggs

2 Tbsp unsulphured molasses (so this recipe wouldn't work with blackstrap) 

2 tsp pure vanilla extract 


small microwave safe bowl, 9x5 inch loaf pan, parchment paper, large bowl, whisk, a small bowl (doesn't have to be microwave safe this time), silicon spatula, tin foil.

To start off, grab your small bowl, and toss in your golden raisins and rum. Cover them with a plate and microwave until their warm, not steaming, roughly a minute. Set that to the side, keeping it covered and check back on it in 15 minutes to give it a stir, and then again at the 45 minute mark. Leave it alone for a further 15 minutes, making it roughly an hour in total. At that point the raisins should have absorbed most of the rum. Drain off any liquor that's left to either use again at another point, or drink it yourself if you're over age. 

Now preheat your oven to 300*F and make sure that there is a rack in the middle of the oven. Grab your loaf pan and parchment paper. Measure out two sheets of parchment paper, one going lengthwise and one going crosswise. You want enough paper here to push down into the corners of the pan and still have 'handles' hanging over the sides. Start from one corner and work to all of the others, slowly smoothing the paper into the corners so that it's flush. Any bumps or wrinkles in the paper or going to lead to bumps or wrinkles in the bread. Use a stick of butter and apply a layer to the parchment paper, making sure to coat everything within the pan. 

Next up, grab your flour, baking powder, baking soda, 1/2 tsp of your salt and then your brown sugar of choice. Whisk all of it together in a large bowl and make sure to break up any clumps as you go. Set aside your whisk and add in your strawberries, cherries and raisins and toss to coat everything. Add in the walnuts and toss again to combine and coat the walnuts. 

Take a clean small bowl and your whisk and beat together the eggs, molasses, and vanilla until everything is well mixed. Now grab your spatula and add your fruit-nut mixture, folding and mixing to combine and coat all of the pieces with the batter. You want to make sure that there aren't any pockets of dry ingredients on the bottom or at the edge of the bowl. Pour the batter into your loaf pan, scraping the bowl to get any remaining bits into the pan. Tap the pan against the counter several times to release any air bubbles, and use the spatula to smooth the top into an even layer. 

Bake the cake for an hour, rotating the pan after 30 minutes. If your bread is browning too much at the halfway mark, you can cover it loosely with a tent of foil. When the top is a deep golden brown, it's done! Remove it from the oven and place to pan on a wire rack to let it cool. 

When it's finally cool, grab the handles you left yourself and remove the loaf from the pan. Use a bread knife and cut it into thin slices and serve. IF you have any leftovers, they can be wrapped well in wax paper and store it in an airtight container for a week at room temperature. 

You can serve it with various butters or fruit jams for a delicious snacks or breakfasts. You could also work up a quick icing with milk and powdered sugar and drizzle it across the top. 

Courtesy of Peggychoucair

So, what do you think? Are you up for doing some experimental baking this weekend? What other fruits would you add into the mix? Let us know in the comments below or over on our Facebook

If you ended up here instead because your stove isn't working properly, give us a call! You can get hold of us at ((214) 599-0055) or by going to our website to set up an appointment that works for you.