Lazy Weekend Mushroom Pie

Who Wants To Stress Over Meals When It's This Close To The Holidays?

When you can’t be bothered to try new or complicated recipes in the lead-up to the holidays, check out this week’s recipe. It’s warm, filling, utterly delicious and most importantly, it’s easy to make! 


850g of assorted mushrooms 

3 Tbsp of extra virgin olive oil 

2 Tbsp unsalted butter

2 medium leeks

1/2 C heavy cream

1/2 tsp fresh grated nutmeg 

PIe Dough- Extra flaky 

Egg wash 

Fresh rosemary - garnish

Fresh thyme - garnish

A note on mushrooms: 

When it comes to mushrooms, you have a lot of different options that will work well with this pie.  Some examples that work well are chanterelles, trumpets, creminis, oysters, or morels.  You could go with any of the ones in our list as one type or pick a few of each to see how they interact.  Just make sure that they're properly sourced and cleaned before eating them! 

Recipe : 

-Preheat your oven to 425*F, and remove your pie dough from the freezer, setting it to the side on the counter, so it begins to defrost. Ideally, you don't want it frozen, but you don't want it warm and extra soft, either. 

- Take your leeks, halve them and slice them thinly. You do not want huge chunks for this.  Toss them with salt and pepper, and then measure to make sure you have 2 cups, firmly packed. 

- Prepare your mushrooms. Take your paring knife to trim the mushrooms into medium to large size pieces, leaving clusters of whole mushrooms whenever possible.  (They're great for texture and appearance when you do this!) 

-Transfer your mushrooms to a dish and toss them with olive oil, salt, and pepper to season. 

- Spread your mushrooms out in one even layer on a baking sheet and pop that into the oven. Roast the mushrooms until they're tender, 25-30 minutes. They will shrink quite a bit, but don't expect them to brown much.  Set the pan aside to cool when done. 

- In a medium saute pan, melt the butter over medium heat.    Add the leeks into the pan and cook them, turning down the heat to medium-low. Keep cooking for 8-10 minutes or until the leeks are very soft, almost a melted texture. 

- Add the cream and nutmeg to the pan, bringing it to a simmer. Simmer until the cream reduces, and the mixture thickens, around 3-4 minutes.  Set that aside to cool while you prep the dough. 

- Set your oven rack towards the base of the oven, if possible, with a baking or pizza stone on it.  Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 

-On a lightly floured surface, roll out your dough into a rectangle a bit larger than 10 x 16 inches.  Use your rolling pin to wrap the dough around and transfer that to your baking sheet.  Brush the dough with your egg wash, then lightly prick the dough all over with a fork.  If you want, you can use a paring knife to straighten up the edges. 

- Spoon your cooled leek mixture into the center of the dough and spread it into an even layer, leaving a border around all edges, 1 inch wide that's uncovered. Arrange the mushrooms on top of the leek mixture, overlapping and layering as needed, but don't stack them. You want them in a single layer to ensure that they cook evenly. Drizzle lightly with olive oil. 

- Pop the pan into the oven and bake until the crust is a deep golden brown and your mushrooms are crisp 40-45 minutes. Garnish the pie with herbs as soon as you take it out of the oven. Allow it to cool for 5-10 minutes before serving.  

And that is how you make Lazy Weekend Mushroom Pie! If you do give it a shot or have suggestions, let us know in the comments below or over on our Facebook page. 

If you're worried about the holidays, though and would like to have a professional do a maintenance check, give us a call! We'll work with you to find a time that works for your schedule and send out one of our technicians to go over all of your appliances. We'll help you make sure that everything is running up to standard or find any problems before they become major ones. At Appliance Rescue Service, our goal is to keep your home running smoothly. Wherever you live in the Dalals Metro Area, we want to work with you. Give us a call at ((214) 599-0055) or reach out to us via our contact page to set up an appointment today.