Buffalo Bread

 Spicy, sweet and delicious bread to get you through the day. 

Spicy, sweet and delicious bread to get you through the day. 

I Don't Care, Take Me To The Recipe! 

Pre-made meals, freezer meals, meal planning, they're all great ways to try and make lunch easier on us. Lunch is supposed to be a midday meal that gives you enough energy to get through the day without burning you out or leaving you so full you're tired and want a nap.  For many of us though, we don't look in the fridge in the morning and think "oh! I'll take this, I'll feel great after eating it." Instead, we're standing there thinking "what do I have so I can grab it and go?"  Then you end up eating whatever, which could be anything from a salad you had last night, to a giant serving of pasta or rice (1.) Which can be great if you're working out in the afternoon or doing an active job, but for those of us working in an office, not so much. Fortunately, there are ways to make a VERY simple food ahead of time, have it taste amazing and have energy for the rest of the day. What is this sorcery? Chickpeas. 

No! Wait, don't run away on us. It sounds weird, but if you like cornbread, you're going to love this recipe. Chickpeas actually blend into the background so all you taste is the cornbread and buffalo sauce, but you get all the benefits of the protein, iron and fiber of the chickpeas. Win-Win! 


1 box Jiffy corn muffin mix (8.5 oz) 

1 cup cooked chickpeas  

2 stalks celery 

1 egg

1/3 cup milk

1/4 cup Buffalo sauce (any brand and spice level is up to you.) 

Tools: Mixing bowl, fork, spoon, knife, cutting board, measuring cup(s), aluminum foil, loaf pan, food processor 

As always, begin by washing your hands and then your produce. You don't need to use soap or a veggie wash, just 30 seconds under cold water will do just fine for your veggies.  After you've done that, set them to the side and preheat your oven to 400*F. 

Rough chop your celery. Smaller pieces are better, as we'll want this to mix in well, but they don't need to be uniform. Because your celery will be a bit stringy, rocking the knife as you chop may help some. We don't suggest using a 'chopper' tool, as they don't stand up to celery well. 

At this point you've got a choice to make, you can either grab a can of chickpeas or you can make them from dried. Whether you use canned or cook them yourself, make sure to thoroughly drain them before you use them. Set aside the aquafaba (or bean water) as you can use it for other recipes. 

Measure out your chickpeasa and add them to the food processor. 

Then scrape your chopped celery into the food processor and give it two or three quick pulses.  

Pulse until you have a chunky paste. 

Once your celery and chickpeas have been mixed together, set them aside. 

Turn your attention to the box to the corn muffin mix. Empty it into your mixing bowl and use a fork to break up the biggest clumps. No need to break out the sieve at this point. A few are fine - your batter will be a little lumpy no matter what you do- but definitely give it some attention before adding any of your wet ingredients to avoid overmixing. 

After you've broken up the worst of the clumps, add an egg and 1/3 of a cup of milk. Stir only until barely combined. 

Add your chickpea and chopped celery mixture and pour your measured buffalo sauce over the top. 

Again, stir only enough to make sure everything is thoroughly combined, and you've blended all the sauce in (we want to avoid hot spots after all.) 

Line your loaf pan with aluminum foil - please do NOT skip this step, the loaf will crumble without it- or sub in a muffin tin and paper muffin cups if you prefer. 

Transfer the batter from your mixing bowl to the foil- lined pan with a spoon and smooth the top. You can also give the pan a few taps against the counter to get rid of any air bubbles, that's up to you. 

If you're using a loaf pan, you'll want to bake your bread for 35-45 minutes, checking at 5 minute intervals after the 35 minute mark with a toothpick. 

If you're using a muffin pan, you'll want to bake them for 15-20 minutes, again using a toothpick inserted into the center most muffin to test for doneness. 

Allow it to cool before using the foil to lift it out of the pan.  

Bend back the foil and cut with a sharp knife. Serve with ranch or bleu cheese dressing if desired. 

If you choose to take slices of the bread for lunch, we suggest toasting it in a toaster oven for 2 minutes a side first to reheat it and then to add some crispness to the top. 

An unexpected, but important warning. Do Not eat too much of this at once. 1-2 slices is the most your body is going to be able to handle, no matter how delicious this is. Not because of the spice, but because of the amount of fiber in the chickpeas. You can actually make yourself rather ill if you eat too much. So, instead of packing 3 or 4 slices of this delicious bread, we advise adding a salad or something like a stir fry to the side. You could even go really Southern and add collard greens to the side if you feel the urge. 

Let us know over on Facebook how yours turned out! If you made it with mild sauce (go you for savoring flavor!), or if you made it so hot Scoville is shocked by your tolerance, let us know! 

If your oven died while you were attempting to make this week's recipe, one, we're sorry. We swear it's not a result of the spice. Two, we can help! If you give us a call at ((214) 599-0055) or head on over to our contact page, you can set up a service call that works with your schedule. We service all major appliances, not just ovens though. So if your dishwasher is giving you hell, or your refrigerator is being stubborn, we're ready to help.