The Top 7 Kitchen Trends of 2021: Our Predictions

What we expect to be most popular in Garland and the surrounding area. 

2020 is almost over and that means many of us are looking at making changes in our lives and in our homes. For many of us that means looking at the top trends that are going to be popular in the coming year. We're taking a look at the top 7 to see what companies are predicting will be popular in 2021. 

- Colored Stone Counters And Backsplashes

Like we talked about with paint colors it's time to bring color into the kitchen. We at ARS love this idea. Let's move away from sterile White and try out different patterns and natural stones. Bonus points if you want to get the look without spending a ton of money you can do peel and stick tiles for your backsplashes. This also means that you can change them out more easily and test out which ones you like best. 

- Mixing Materials

People spent a lot of time in their kitchens this last year. Learning how to make sourdough, cheeses, or just mastering basic cooking. People want their kitchens to reflect them and part of that is bringing in new materials and textures. We fully expect to see cabinets in wood and wood-textured panels for filling in small spaces around the kitchen.

-Multifunctional spaces 

In the coming year, even more, people are going to be working from home. For many of us, this means having an office space that we can close away. It's not always feasible within the way your home is set up though to dedicate an entire room to an office. Companies have started responding to this new need by offering furniture that can serve both as storage and as a small desk without taking up much space when not in use. We expect to see furniture and design ideas that expand on this need over the next several years. 

-Fluidity between inside and outside

As we talked about over the summer people are breaking down the line between inside and outside. There are not just outdoor kitchens, but outdoor living rooms, offices, and even bedrooms. And people are also looking to bring the outside in with a resurging interest in not just individual plants scattered throughout the home but entire gardens. As Time continues we expect to see this trend go in many different directions.

- All Black Kitchen

We expect the trend of the all white kitchen to continue for at least a few more years. However, there is also a trend that we have seen over the last year towards sleek and elegant all black kitchens. While we don't expect this one to catch on in Texas, you might see it pop up in some of your friends’ or relatives' homes. After all, the South has to deal with quite a bit more heat than just what your oven puts off. 

All black painted cabinetry

- Gold Finishes

Over the last decade we've had copper and bronze finishes. We've had aged versions of both. And stainless steel has still reigned supreme. In the coming year we've seen companies hinting at offering gold finishes for everything from your faucets to your stove knobs to your refrigerator handle. The question is going to be whether we get aged gold next.

Gold finished kitchen faucet

-Portable Fixtures

When so many of us have been trapped in our homes for the last year, and the threat of another full closure on the horizon, it's no surprise that we're restless in our homes. We want to move from room to room, to get up and pace. To that end our lights and audio elephant are becoming more portable. People don't want to fight with wires and plugs to try and get things positioned around the home when you move from place to place. Instead companies are starting to offer ways to take the lights with you as you move. 

Those are our top seven predictions for the trends of 2021. We probably missed some, after all we're only human. Let us know your predictions for the coming year in the comments below or over at our Facebook

If you found this page not because you're looking for how to remodel your kitchen or home in the coming year but because your appliances are driving you up a wall you've still  come to the right place. We aim to be the best appliance repair company in all of Garland and the surrounding area. You can make an appointment by calling us at ((214) 599-0055) or setting up an appointment on our website. We're here to keep your home running.