Freezer Comparisons: Miele versus GE: Who Does It Better?


As Covid-19 stretches longer, and warnings of a nation-wide shutdown loom, many of us are looking at food preservation of one sort or another. The first spot that many of us look at is our freezers. Everything from individual ingredients and spices to full meals can be stored away and frozen. 

 What happens when you and your freezer are on the outs though? Its started to have keep different sections colder than others, or it says it’s at 0*F but really, it’s more like 10*. 

In those cases, many would start looking around for a new freezer. Which to choose though? A freezer is a freezer right? It keeps things cold, and that’s all that matters. Well, not necessarily. Let’s take a look at two of the best rated in the industry and see how they tackle the issue. 

Features of GE - FUF17DLRWW

Starting off let’s look at GE, an American staple. 
-Garage ready

GE knows that the temperatures an American homeowner has to deal with varies widely from one state to the next. To appeal to the broadest market, they’ve made sure that their freezers will maintain temperatures in your garage whether it’s 0*F or 110*F. 

-The highest rated upright freezer lineup in the industry 

Based on the combined data of different major appliance retailers nationwide, GE is rated as the 

best upright freezer in the industry. 

-Lock with key

If nothing will do but to keep your spouse out of your ice cream, or that set of cookie dough you’re saving for Christmas day, this model comes with a lock. (We’re sure there are other reasons that you might need a lock on your freezer, but we all know the need to protect the ice cream.) 

-Clear slide-out freezer bins

Part of the package for this model is four full width, clear-sided freezer bins that slide all the way out, to make it easier to find what you’re looking for. Instead of hunting on your hands and knees, you can grab out the bin you need and look through it on a table, and close the freezer in the meantime. It’s a win for your hands and your electric bill. 

-Audible temperature alarm

What’s worse than getting a meal ready and coming back to the freezer later to find out that you left it open, and now things are defrosting? Not much in our opinion. That’s why GE’s freezer offers an alarm if it gets below a certain point. 

-Exterior electronic temperature control

We’ve talked about how it maintains your set temps, and how it lets you know if that’s changing. But when it comes to actually setting the temperatures, GE is still thinking of you and how to keep your food cold. They’ve placed the temperature controls on the outside, eliminating the need to open the freezer to adjust them. 

-Turbo Freeze

After you’ve grabbed what you need, shut the door and gone about your day, the freezer sets off an extra cold blast of air to bring temperatures back to normal. 

GE free standing freezer

-ENERGY STAR® Qualified

All of that, and it’s still Energy Star rated, which means it’s saving your food and your wallet. 

Features of Miele -F 2471 Vi

Now let’s head over to Germany and check out what their giant, Miele, has to offer. 

-Separate water and ice dispensers.

Instead of having to worry about your water freezing in the line, and thus breaking, Miele made it simple. They gave both the water dispenser and ice dispenser their own lines to run off of. 

-Handleless design

If you’ve looked in a decor magazine over the last year, or seen some of our own posts on the matter, you’ve seen that the trend is to have your appliances look more like cabinets. For many of us, this also means a handleless design. Miele is right on board with this trend. 

-Push2open for convenient door-opening assistance

Following right on from the previous feature, they’ve engineered the freezer with an easy push to open system. No handles would seem  like a problem, but thanks to this, you don’t have to worry. A light push and the door pops open. 

-Light floods the interior thanks to LED elements – 

The lights in this freezer are all LED elements, which means they’ll live longer and provide a truer light as well. 

-Communication with the machine could not be easier – WiFi Conn@ct

Why worry about your freezer when you’re out and about? With the Miele app you can check on your freezer no matter where you are. Worried that it’s too warm? You can see that by just pulling out your phone.  Or if you don’t have your phone handy, you can just ask Alexa. 

-Convenient control thanks to color touch display MasterSensor

Miele Freestanding MasterCool freezre

Miele offers an easy to use exterior display for adjusting the temperature settings. 

-Defrosting is a thing of the past

Miele MasterCool appliances offer a NoFrost system. This system keeps cold, dry air circulating around the appliance so that ice doesn’t build up inside the cabinet. It eliminates ice buildup on food also, which means that you can always open and close drawers easily. All of this together has the additional benefit of protecting the freezer’s evaporator units, and being energy efficient. 


After looking at both of them, which do you prefer? The American workhorse or the German glitz? We’re still debating about which one is better ourselves. On the one hand, the GE freezer is perfect if you’re looking to turn your garage into a  second pantry. We could see this being especially useful if you’re a hunter, or have a large family. On the other hand, the Miele fits into your home beautifully. It fits into the connected home of the future, and the NoFrost system means that it also cuts down on the amount of food waste you have to worry about. 

What are your thoughts? Do you have experience with either brand? Let us know over on our Facebook page, or in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you! 

On the other hand, if you’re not looking to replace your freezer just yet,it just needs to have someone take a look, you can always give us a call at ((214) 599-0055). You can also set up an appointment via our website. We aim to be the best appliance repair shop in Carrollton, whether you need help with fixing your freezer, kicking your washer back into shape, or just doing some preventative maintenance, we’re here to help.