9 Things Your Dryer Hates

Have you ever talked to someone that swears by putting their sneakers in the dryer? It sounds crazy, but it really works. On the other hand, there are some things that just don’t. We’ve talked before about things that don't belong in your dryer. But apparently there are even more things than we covered that time. Some of these things will ruin your dryer, some of them will be ruined by your dryer. That’s why we’ve split this list in two to make navigating them easier. 

Things That Will Ruin Your Dryer 

Towels & Beachwear Covered in Sand

Sandy beach towel

Did you enjoy your time at the beach? Great!  Your dryer doesn’t though. Sand can easily get trapped between the gaps in the drum. This means not only will you be shaking sand out of your laundry for months after, but it can also damage your dryer over time Just like sand can be used to scrub away at stones, the continual rotation and scouring will wear away at your dryer’s components. 


Pet Hair, Your Dryer Don’t Care  

It gets everywhere and we even joke about feeling bad for people who don’t know this particular hassle. However, pet hair should not be allowed to get into your dryer. Pet hair, like lint and debris, build up in your dryer over time. If you don’t empty out your lint screen before every load, it’s also going to be building up in your dryer’s exhaust. All of these flammable materials slowly push your dryer towards the likelihood of catching on fire one day. 

Flammable Stains And Dryers Just Don’t Mix

Gas, paint, oil, and paint thinner. Your washer has a hard time getting these out of your clothes. So, while we might think it’s obvious not to put flammable things into the dryer, people still do with these. Unfortunately, just one run through the washer isn’t enough to get them out, which means the residue is still then when you transfer the load to the dryer.  Running clothes with any of these on them through your dryer can all too easily lead to fire, an explosion, or death. 

Chewing Gum Double Bubble Trouble

Bubble gum, bubble gum in a dish, how many dryers do you wish? Yes, we know that’s not the original lyrics, but we also know that chewing gum is just as dangerous to your dryer as it is to your clothes. While we don’t typically intend to toss clothes with gum into the dryer, it does happen occasionally, especially if you have kids. If you’re lucky, this means that the clothes will be permanently sticky. If you’re not lucky, this can mean the gum is stretched across the walls of your dryer. 

Rubber Backed Bath Mats or Carpets

We love these things. They’re fluffy, they’re easier to wash than scrubbing your floors and they keep you from slipping. 


Despite all that, tossing them into your dryer, causes quite a mess. The high heat dries out the rubber which then crumbles. As it works itself loose over time, it can make a mess on your floor or get stuck inside your dryer. And if there’s one thing we’ve seen so far it’s that letting things get stuck in your dryer is never good for that dryer.  


Things That Get Ruined By Your Dryer

Anything Embellished

Sequins and rhinestones and gems, oh my! 

This first one is capable of both being ruined by your dryer and also, depending on the garment, ruining your dryer. Yay a two-for-one! (No, we’re kidding there. Please don’t ruin your dryer.) Even the most well-secured embellishments don’t fare long inside a dryer. All too easily the threads, setting or glue can come undone and be lost in the dryer.  Then you end up with a much less impressive garment, and a noisy dryer. 

Tights or Pantyhose


Assuming that your tights are made of something other than plastic, they still don’t need to see the inside of your dryer. Even if they aren’t fused or stretched by the heat, they can still be destroyed by it.  Any tiny holes that you didn’t notice beforehand can quickly become a giant run that stretches the majority of one leg. 



Suede shirt

If you’ve ever accidentally left a plastic plate next to your toaster oven and then let the metal portion touch said plate, you’ve probably seen how stretchy plastic can be. So, while some suedes can definitely go through the washer, ironing and the dryer are most definitely out. 



While this one isn’t a threat to your dryer unlike the last, it is a threat to your wallet. Most activewear is developed from technical materials for a host of benefits. Everything from moisture-wicking, protecting you from the sun, and shaping components. Unfortunately, those technical materials aren’t meant to combat the high heat of your dryer and come out unscathed. So, rather than having to replace it, we advise hanging your activewear or laying it flat to dry. 

A few other materials that shouldn’t go through your dryer, for their own sake. 

Spandex - Again, the stretchy components get degraded by the heat and shrink way too far. 

Silk - Silk, and dryers do not mix. Period. Excessive heat dulls silk and can cause it to shrink. Additionally, the friction between the silk and the dryer can cause snags in the material and white streaks. 

Lace - Lace is very delicate and can easily be torn, snagged or stretched out by rattling around your dryer. 

Did we miss any? Do you know of ways to safely put any of these through the dryer? Let us know over on our Facebook, or in the comments below! We’d love to hear from you. 

If on the other hand you /did/ put one of these through the dryer and now said dryer is being uncooperative, we get it. If you live in Addison, or the general area, we’d love to help. Appliance Rescue Service is here to help, whether you’re facing off with a dryer that has too much sand, or a refrigerator that’s forgotten how to keep things cool. You can reach out to us via our website or by calling us at ((214) 599-0055 ). 

Additional Reading:

What You Want to Know About Heat Pump Dryers

Dryer Deep Dive

6 Things Your Should Never Put In Your Dryer

Why You Need To Clean Your Dryer Vent 

9 Things Your Dryer Hates

9 Electric Dryers At 3 Different Price Points