It’s Time to Clean Your Dryer – and Here’s Why:

Did you know that dryers – and dryer vents – are one of the leading causes of household fires?


Do we have your attention?

The National Fire Protection Association reports that dryers cause approx. 15,000 fires a year and the leading cause of these fires is failure to properly clean your dryer.

So today’s helpful tip from Appliance Rescue Service in Dallas, Texas is how to properly clean your dryer and keep your home hazard free:


Step 1: Clean the Dryer Filter Between Every Load

If you take nothing else away from this article, remember this: your dryer filter – or lint trap – must be cleaned out between each and every load in order to help your dryer run efficiently and without issues. Not cleaning the dryer filter is the #1 cause of dryer fires, so this is a must. Clean any particles that are in the lint trap, and don’t forget to look around the dryer for any loose pieces that might have escaped before they go up the dryer hose.


Step 2: Run the Dryer When You’re Home

When you leave the house, do yourself a favor and just stop the dryer. This is not a scare tactic, but merely a way to give you peace of mind and help you keep an eye on performance at all times.


Step 3: Vent the Dryer Out of your Home

Options abound on venting, but if your dryer doesn’t already vent out of your home, ask a professional to come and reroute the vent.


Step 4:  Call for Professional Dryer Service

Even with the most diligent dryer filter cleaning, some of the lint is bound to escape up the dryer hose – causing a hazard to your home as it builds up over time. Every 6 months (or a year if you only use your dryer moderately), call a professional dryer repair company in Dallas to service your dryer and get the lint out of the hose.


Appliance Rescue Service in Dallas, Texas is one your one-stop shop for all things appliance repair  - including the best Dallas dryer repair. Call us for all your dryer repair needs, including any questions as it relates to lint build up and dryer fire prevention.

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