Say Goodbye to 'Dumb' Appliances: Samsung's Bold Move in 2023

Samsung  To Stop Shipping ALL ‘Dumb’ Appliances At End of 2023

Have you ever pondered the enigma of 'dumb' appliances? It's a question that has sparked bewilderment in the minds of many. To decode this enigmatic term, we must understand that a 'dumb' appliance is, in essence, an unconnected relic in the digital age—a machine estranged from the realms of Wi-Fi and the Internet of Things. But rewind the clock a decade, and these 'dumb' companions were our household norm, silently serving our daily needs. It's only with the internet's transformative power that we began to glimpse the possibilities of a smarter home. The riddle unravels further when we consider the information these appliances can unearth about us. Let's embark on a journey through the labyrinthine world of 'dumb' appliances and the audacious move by Samsung that is set to redefine our homes.

What Are ‘Dumb’ Appliances

Bespoke Refrigerator Courtesy of Samsung

So what are dumb appliances, this is our first concerning question. The answer is that a dumb appliance is any appliance that is not connected to Wi-Fi, or the Internet of Things, or is able to report back to its manufacturer in some fashion. Up until the last decade or so most appliances in the home were ‘dumb’ appliances and that was precisely the way that everybody expected them to be. But then with the advent of the internet, we realized that appliances could be hooked into the internet to make our lives easier. That gave us the rise of the smart appliance. What really separates a dumb appliance is the information that it is capable of collecting about you.

Why is Samsung Stopping, and What To Expect

As of December 2023, Samsung will no longer be shipping dumb appliances. There is no wiggle room on this. This is a hard and fast date announced by the company so that, as of 2024, all new appliances will be connected. The reason for this is that they want to be able to offer improved functionality, more efficient service calls, and a more efficient home. Imagine a home where all of your appliances are connected through one centralized system. Samsung wants to be able to offer you a central point for controlling everything which will, according to them help in cutting down on your emissions energy use, and even water use. 

Navy Steel Finished Smart Range from Samsung, Image Courtesy of Samsung

This is part of a bigger sustainability and energy-conscious play that the company is making.  It’s not just about connecting your appliances for the sake of connecting them, and you, back to Samsung, but instead, it’s about being able to enable smarter and more personalized controls. 

What Does This Mean For The Rest Of The Industry? 

This is going to mean two different things for the industry. First, as we head into 2024 and more people realize that it is no longer possible to buy dumb appliances from Samsung, other companies will see an initial boom in their sales. There's also going to be a rush to buy up older appliances as long as it's possible to find them which will cause those prices to go up over time as well. However, going forward it would not be surprising for other companies to follow Samsung's lead and begin offering only smart appliances. Samsung, as always, is looking ahead to the future and looking to see how they can control the market as any company of their size would reasonably do. 

LED Lit DIshwasher, Courtesy of Samsung

The question becomes what will other industry leaders do. Will they create smaller lines within their offerings that are all online intelligent connected devices or will they follow the trend that Samsung is setting and only offer intelligent appliances? The thing to keep in mind and we’ll dive further into this in a moment, is that your data is another source of revenue for these companies whether it is malicious or not, it is a source of monetization that they will take advantage of. And whatever Samsung can get away with, it will. 

What Is The Outcome For Homeowners Of A Fully Connected Home?

Smart Appliances: The Pros And Cons

The pros and cons will always need to be considered with any change. In this case, it is the fact that major appliances being connected has potential. If you can cut down on your resource bills when inflation is going up, why wouldn't you? Why wouldn't you if your refrigerator can keep an eye on your food to prevent spoilage and keep things just the right temperature so that your food stays good longer? Or if you can create a custom setting for your dryer so that it only runs for a few minutes knows what you need and will stop when it's done, why wouldn't you? This is what Samsung is trying to sell you.  The AI Energy Mode in the Samsung SmartThings app wants to make sure you use the most eco-friendly settings for the best results. Two examples that have been cited are being able to suggest shutting your blinds to reduce the power consumption of your AC or being able to detect the type of fabric for the clothes in your dryer. This would allow your dryer to understand not only the length of a cycle needed but also the heat setting. 

The downside is the various costs of the appliance. There’s the initial cost of purchasing a brand-new appliance upfront. It is the higher repair cost because it takes time and training to be able to understand what the different readouts mean for a smart appliance. It also means having to give up control over your information and how it's utilized. By bringing a smart appliance or a series of smart appliances into your home some pros and cons must be weighed.

Repair Costs & Reasons Why A Smart Appliance Costs More

Courtesy of Samsung

Let's tackle repair costs first right now repair costs are calculated based on the price that it takes to purchase the part, any shipping costs, and the amount of work and labor that is required for the technician to remove the old part and install the new one. Although not always considered, it is a skilled trade that takes learning and understanding, and that time just like the time of your CPA or the person that you hire to care for and create your landscape, is valuable. 

Now, let's take a look at changing over and adding in more chips to your appliances. Bringing in more complex pieces means having more pieces that can break along the process. It also means having more things that you have to look up and break down in order to understand exactly what's happening. Just because you can say oh, the appliance it's this piece that's going wrong, doesn't mean that it is automatically easy to fix. Your technician now has to know which company they need to get hold of; they need to know which pieces work in what way and what name it has because, naturally, no two appliance companies can call their parts the same thing; that would be too simple! Your technician has to be able to ensure that it's not an electrical error or a coding error and is, in fact, a  hardware error, which will then be able to be fixed. What this boils down to is that your technician's diagnostic time is going to take longer and the amount of time that it takes to figure out which parts have to be replaced takes longer. As each step gets longer, the amount of time that you, the homeowner, are charged also gets longer. As much as none of us want that to happen, it is unfortunately, what does happen with adding smart appliances in and that’s before we even get to going and changing out any of the parts. 

Your refrigerator is still going to require a compressor. Your dryer is still going to need a heat pump. Those things aren't changing, it is merely that other steps are being added. It may also, although it has not been proven yet, mean that you can only get help either directly from the company that you purchase your appliances through Samsung, LG, Bosch, etc., or from their chosen licensed technicians. This isn't a guarantee, merely a possibility that we have seen before. Where companies will require certified technicians that only they can license which then means that you the homeowner have to pay more. Again, this is something that we really don't want to have happen.

Data Safety In a World of Samsung’s Intelligent Appliances 

Your data safety, believe it or not, your phone which you are most likely reading this on right now, is collecting data about you all the time. It might be where you're living, it might be the coffee shop you're in, it might be how long you last spent looking at Facebook. But unless you have very strict settings and you take the time that most people just don't want to, to either read the terms of services or to very carefully restrict all data usage, the various Internet-connected objects within your life are connecting, collecting, and utilizing your data. 

Think about when was the last time you read the terms and services? For a website? Or even for an app your kid downloaded. Did you read through all of the legalese to see what was required and allowed by you downloading or buying it? The appliances that you purchase from Samsung from now on will be constantly doing it.

 According to Consumer Reports, they tested Internet of Things appliances across many major brands: Samsung, LG, and Whirlpool just to name a few.  They used 12 different appliances across five brands and four appliance types to see how ‘chatty’ they were. The good news is that  Consumer Reports didn ‘t find any security vulnerabilities in the products and all of the data that was sent or received was encrypted. The downside was that all of them were constantly collecting and sending data back to the manufacturer. The appliances would send anywhere from 3.4MB to 19MB of data back to their manufacturer per week.  You might think “that's nothing. That's a few photos maybe”. Except all of these pieces that were collected? They were sent as text. These were text messages that were sent, which means that they were measured in kilobytes of information if not bytes. And the tests were only using the appliances 1 time per day. (Think of how many times you open your refrigerator in a given day!?)  What this breaks down to is that in one week one of these appliances sent between 24,000 to 135,000  messages back to their manufacturer. That's everything from on-off cycles, location, door opening and closing, usage, even your date of birth. When we say every bit of information they can, we mean it. 

Like we said up top, this isn't meant as a way for Samsung to do something nefarious with your information, as far as we're aware anyway. However it is a new way for them to make money, and ultimately if you're using their tools, you don't have a choice in it as of the current state of the legal protections on your data and data collection. 

While Consumer Reports did reach out to all of the manufacturers that they tested, only Kenmore was willing to talk to them. They gave a detailed rundown on what data their appliances were testing. They gather up data on all osrts of things from power status, door open/close, filter status, cycle details, temperature information and energy usage.  Because of the connected app, we know that LG and Samsung both go further, collecting your ZIP code, your phone numbers, your date of birth, your geolocation and more. These aren’t related to the product performance and service, so the only obvious answer is market analysis and monetization of your data. 

As we venture into this new era of connected homes, the implications are significant, both for homeowners and the wider industry. We find ourselves at a crossroads, where questions abound and answers remain elusive. Yet, one thing is clear: data has become a valuable commodity, and it's a factor we cannot ignore. Our homes, once a bastion of simplicity, are now evolving into hubs of innovation and convenience, leaving us in a state of perpetual curiosity. This journey is just beginning, and the path ahead holds many unknowns. Should you encounter issues with your appliances, whether smart or 'dumb,' you can count on Appliance Rescue Service to provide reliable solutions and assistance. You can reach out to us via our contact page or by giving us a call at ((214) 599-0055). Whatever the changes might bring to home appliances, we are here for you. 

Additional Reading

Smart Appliances Or Bamboozling Buzzwords?

Smart Home - Getting Started (2022)

Feeding the Future: How 3D Printing is Revolutionizing the Food Industry

Printing Your Meal: A Glimpse into 3D Food Printing Technology

3D printing of food has been a topic of intrigue, a blend of culinary artistry and technological innovation. The concept revolves around transforming foods into paste or puree-like consistencies, which can then be meticulously printed with the same finesse as plastic filament. This remarkable capability opens doors to creating fantastical shapes, photorealistic cake toppers, or anything a chef's imagination can conjure. Yet, as with any groundbreaking technology, there are both awe-inspiring possibilities and potential drawbacks.

This article delves into the world of 3D food printing, exploring its current applications in the industry, fine-dining restaurants, and its potential to find a place in your home.

The Art and Science of 3D Food Printing

Jonathan Blutinger Creative Machines lab

3D printing of food is an automated process that extrudes pureed food onto a substrate. Analogous to layering plastics in 3D printing, the food industry is experimenting to achieve similar precision. However, the complexities of 3D food printing are evident. As of right now, examples of successful 3D-printed foods include purees, mousses, and chocolate ganache.

One of the challenges lies in the need to ensure the right texture and viscosity of the materials used in 3D food printing. Achieving the perfect consistency is essential for creating intricate designs and maintaining structural integrity during printing. However that has to be balanced against the food actually tasting appealing. 

Pioneers Shaping the Future

Leading the charge in 3D food printing are innovative companies like Redefine Meat, MeaTech, Aleph Farms, SavorEat, BeeHex, byFlow, Natural Machines, Print2Taste, and Remedy Health. These trailblazers are pushing the boundaries of what's possible in culinary creation.

Courtesy of 3d Sourced

Each of these companies brings a unique perspective to the world of 3D food printing. For example, Redefine Meat specializes in creating plant-based meat alternatives with 3D printing technology, aiming to revolutionize the meat industry. MeaTech focuses on lab-grown meat production, using 3D printing to create meat products that are sustainable and ethical. Aleph Farms is known for producing cultivated beef steaks with a 3D bioprinter, offering a solution to traditional meat production challenges.

A Taste of Innovation: 3D-Printed Dining

For those interested in experiencing the results of 3D food printing firsthand, a culinary adventure awaits. Restaurants like Food Ink, Melisse, La Enoteca, La Boscana, and Sushi Singularity incorporate 3D printing into their menus, offering guests an opportunity to savor this cutting-edge cuisine.

Courtesy of 3d Sourced

These restaurants have transformed dining into an immersive experience, where diners can witness the art of 3D food printing in action. From intricate appetizers to stunning desserts, these establishments demonstrate the creative possibilities of this technology. The fusion of technology and gastronomy elevates the dining experience to new heights, leaving patrons with unforgettable memories.

Empowering Dietary Needs

Beyond gourmet dining, 3D food printing is making strides in catering to special dietary needs. Companies like Biozoon are experimenting with creating easily chewable shapes from purees, providing nutritious and pain-free meal options for the elderly and individuals with dietary restrictions.

Courtesy of 3dSourced

Biozoon's approach offers a promising solution to a common challenge faced by the elderly: difficulty in consuming solid foods. By transforming traditional meals into easily chewable forms without compromising on nutrition, 3D food printing contributes to enhancing the quality of life for vulnerable populations.

Bringing 3D Printing Home

But what about the prospect of 3D printing food in your own kitchen? It's a tantalizing idea with some emerging possibilities. Companies like MyCuisini offer machines designed to 3D print chocolates, though this may not become a daily kitchen staple. In contrast, PancakeBot aimed to bring 3D-printed pancakes into homes, a concept that generated excitement but hasn't yet made it to the market. We hope to see changes regarding that in the future. 

As technology advances, we may see more accessible 3D food printers designed for home use. Imagine the convenience of crafting custom chocolate designs for special occasions or surprising loved ones with intricate pancake art at breakfast. These innovations have the potential to transform how we create and enjoy food at home.

Challenges and Possibilities

While 3D printing of food holds promise, it faces challenges, particularly in terms of speed. Printing even a small solid cube can be time-consuming, and for larger creations, patience is a must. Feeding a gathering with 3D-printed meals currently presents logistical challenges, but advancements are on the horizon.

As 3D food printing technology evolves, researchers and engineers are working to enhance printing speed and efficiency. Innovations in printing technology may soon enable the production of complex dishes more quickly, making it a viable option for larger gatherings and events.

A Vision for the Future

Looking ahead, the potential of 3D food printing is intriguing. Imagine scanning a design from a cookbook into your phone and recreating it effortlessly. Or recreating a special wedding cake design for an anniversary. While it's an entertaining technology with potential benefits for the food industry,  it may be more of a culinary enhancement than a kitchen necessity.

The future of 3D food printing holds exciting possibilities. As technology continues to advance, we may witness the integration of 3D printing with augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) in the culinary world. This could enable individuals to access a vast library of recipes and designs, transforming their culinary creations into works of art.

Exploring the Boundaries

As we ponder the possibilities of 3D food printing, we encourage you to envision its applications, not just at home but across various industries in the Greater Dallas metro area. Creativity knows no bounds, and collaboration can lead to remarkable innovations.

In the realm of healthcare, 3D food printing holds the potential to revolutionize nutrition for patients with specific dietary requirements. Hospitals and care facilities could use this technology to create customized meals that meet individual nutritional needs, enhancing patient care.

Join the Conversation

Do you have insights into the cutting edge of 3D food printing or questions about the ideas we've presented? Share your thoughts on our Facebook page.


While you might be wondering how an appliance repair company is connected to 3D food printing, rest assured, you're still in the right place. Appliance Rescue Service is the premier appliance repair service in the Dallas metro area, and whether it's your Bosch oven, or Sub-Zero refrigerator, we're here to ensure your home runs smoothly. Reach out to us via our contact page or by giving us a call at ((214) 599-0055), and our expert technicians will schedule a convenient time to diagnose and resolve any appliance issues you may have. At Appliance Rescue Service, our top priority is getting your home running smoothly again.

Additional Reading: 

New Appliances To Consider in 2023

Frigi-Know: Your Guide to Refrigerator Troubleshooting

Unlocking the Cold Truth: Your Essential Guide to Refrigerator Repairs and Myths

We get a lot of questions about refrigerators and how to go about repairing them both before and during a maintenance call. We’ve been asked all sorts of things from the normal ‘can’t you just repair a compressor?” to “can my fridge explode??” and everything in between. So we’ve rounded up the ones we get most often while working on refrigerators and are answering them here. 

Repair-oriented questions 

Can Refrigerator Doors Be Removed/ Replaced/ Adjusted?

Fridge doors can indeed be easily removed, and when you’re done you just pop them back into place. They can also be adjusted. Most shops will have screws to help you align the doors properly, they might even be included when you purchase a fridge. If not, or if you’ve had your fridge for a while, you can always ask at a nearby hardware store.  As to replacing doors, this one is more.. Dependant on you. There are shops that can replace a door for you, we can even do that if you like. However, we will say that you might want to look at the fridge you have and consider if it’s worth it. If you’ve spent 10-15k on your refrigerator, then yes, replacing a door is absolutely a good call. On the other hand, if you only spent a third of that? Then you might as well buy an entirely new fridge for the price of getting a new door. 

Can A Refrigerator Compressor Be Repaired?

Yes! However, we will say that it’s not typically cost-effective to repair them. There’s two reasons for that. The first point is that repairing a compressor isn’t a guaranteed way to extend the lifespan of the part. You can often repair the part only to have it break again before long. Additionally, not all compressors can be repaired at all. Some are built so that once they break, that’s it, you’ll have no choice but to replace it. 

We will also point out that while a pro can replace a compressor,  attempting to do it on your own is ill-advised. Most refrigerator compressors are not cross-compatible and you’re more likely to do further damage to your fridge in attempting to replace it. It is a complex job with many potential failure points if you aren’t intimately aware of what you’re doing. 

Additionally, the failure isn’t always the compressor. It might be your fans, it might be that your refrigerator is frozen over, or it might be that the poor thing is choking on dust bunnies. While some of our other posts have pointed out ways to tell what the issue is, it’s not always easy. 

 Can You Add Freon To Your Refrigerator?

Can you the individual? No, or at least not easily. Additionally, if you’ve replaced your refrigerator since 2020, it’s no longer freon. Can a professional add freon to your refrigerator if that’s the type of coolant it uses? Yes. 

 Can My  Refrigerator Leak Freon?

Most assuredly it can, and we hope that yours never does. Freon is a gas, so the only thing you’ll smell is a slight chemical odor. Additionally you won’t see the freon itself it is leaking, instead you’ll have an oily residue that’s leftover from the freon. The only reason it will be leaking though is if something got a hole poked into it. Have you recently done a DIY repair that went wrong? Or were you a bit too pushy with making scraping out some built up frost? These are the reasons that having a professional come in is important, because you don’t want to have a freon leak. 

Can Your Refrigerator Explode 

Yup, we’re going to answer this one, so that next time a small child in your life asks, you can answer it. 

The surprising answer here is yes, a refrigerator can actually explode. HOWEVER it’s exceedingly rare. So, this is a thing that can only happen with newer fridges. Older fridges used freon, and freon doesn’t explode. R-600 however is flammable. So, to make this one happen, you’d have to a) have a newer fridge utilizing R-600 as the coolant, and b) it would have to have a hole in the line, c) it would need to have very little circulation around it and d) you’d need something with a spark. While the first one is more common these days between older fridges failing due to age, and rebates being offered to shift away from freon-based refrigerators, the rest aren’t. So long as you take care of your fridge, having a hole in the line and little air circulation isn’t likely to happen. Or if they do, you should be calling in a repair technician to fix one or both issues. As to the last, we hope and trust that all of our readers know how to be safe around fire. 

So yes, technically, your refrigerator can explode. BUT it’s such a rarity that it’s more likely that any time you hear of it you should suspect foul play rather than a natural occurrence. 

In conclusion, refrigerators can be a source of many questions and concerns, both for those looking to repair them and for those curious about their potential dangers. From adjusting doors to the complexity of compressor repairs and the use of refrigerants like freon, we've covered some of the most common queries surrounding these essential appliances. It's important to remember that while refrigerators technically have the potential to explode under specific circumstances, it's an exceedingly rare occurrence, especially with older models. By ensuring proper maintenance and addressing any issues promptly, you can keep your refrigerator running smoothly and safely, reducing the likelihood of any unexpected and dramatic outcomes.

If you find yourself in need of professional assistance with your refrigerator or any other appliance, don't hesitate to reach out to Appliance Rescue Service. Our expert technicians are ready to help you with all your appliance repair needs. You can give us a call at ((214) 599-0055) or visit our contact page to schedule an appointment. We're here to rescue your appliances and provide you with peace of mind.

Additional Reading:
Refrigerator Cooling Issues? Check These 5 Things!

Why Is My Refrigerator Making Weird Noises!?

How to Time Your Next Appliance Purchase For the BIGGEST Impact

When to Shop for Appliances to Get the Best Price 

In the not-so-distant past, choosing new appliances was a straightforward affair. You could stroll into a store or browse online, comparing prices and features at your leisure. The real challenge lay in deciding what you truly wanted. 

Then, along came Covid. It disrupted lives, decimated workforces, and sent shockwaves through global supply chains. Suddenly, the once-simple task of buying an appliance became a high-stakes game of availability. It didn't matter if it was the color, model, or features you desired; the key question was, did the store have it, and did your wallet agree?  

Adding to the complexity, inflation reared its head, driving prices upward. Now, even if you were comfortably well off, you needed to do research to ensure that the appliances you were considering were worth the money and would hold up. It's why we often advocate repairing appliances whenever feasible instead of rushing into new purchases.

 In this ever-evolving landscape of appliance shopping, consumers face new challenges and opportunities that have emerged in recent times. The COVID-19 pandemic brought about disruptions that forced us to rethink how we approach buying appliances. However, despite the challenges, there's a silver lining for the savvy shoppers who are willing to adapt and strategize.

Right now, a hybrid shopping experience is emerging, offering hope to that savvy consumer. The patient and the discerning can unearth hidden deals. There are three levels to this shopping mastery, each requiring a varying degree of research and patience. As we delve deeper into the world of smart consumerism, it's crucial to understand that each level of shopping mastery comes with its own set of advantages and trade-offs. Whether you are a Holiday Shopper, an End-of-the-Year Shopper, or an Off-Season Shopper, your success will largely depend on your ability to research and exercise patience. 

Level One: The Holiday Shopper

Meet the Holiday Shopper, the master of waiting for strategic moments throughout the year. They keep an eagle eye on sales flyers, marking their calendars for keywords like "President’s Day," "Memorial Day," "Fourth of July," "Labor Day," and the ever-enticing "Black Friday." Shopping during these events yields discounts on the latest models, spanning a wide array of appliances. The only downside? You can't predict what will be on sale or if your coveted model will remain in stock. 

Level Two: End-of-the-Year Shopper

For those who desire something new but don't want to gamble, the End of the Year Shopper is the expert choice. By biding their time until the final quarter of the year, they increase their chances of snagging a current-year appliance or one just a year or two old. As manufacturers make room for new arrivals, retail stores gleefully slash prices on older stock. The catch? Hoping that the appliance you want is available and on sale. 

Level Three: Off-Season Shopping

Enter the apex of savvy shopping - the Off-Season Shopper. These aficionados research beyond the obvious seasons, such as buying heaters in July or air conditioners in December. They've discovered that grills can be purchased in December/January, ranges and ovens in May, and refrigerators in September and October can be prime deals. Why? We can't say for sure, but the data confirms these as the best times to score the biggest discounts.

Here are some crucial shopping tips, regardless of your Savvy Shopper level:

Talk with store employees to uncover insider information on upcoming sales and product availability.

Do your homework in advance and act swiftly when holiday deals emerge, as they tend to vanish quickly.

However, it's essential to acknowledge that this type of shopping demands patience, a commodity not everyone can spare. When your oven gives up the ghost just days before a big dinner, time isn't on your side.

Remember, purchasing new appliances isn't your sole option. There are many instances when repairing is in fact, a far better choice, both from a financial standpoint and an availability standpoint. That is where we come in. You can reach out to Appliance Rescue Service, the most trusted appliance repair service in the Dallas Metro Area. We're here to work with you, whether it's extending the life of your current appliance or fixing a malfunctioning one. Contact us at  (214) 599-0055 or come over to our contact page to schedule a technician visit that suits your schedule.

Additional Suggestions: 

6 New Appliances To Consider In 2023

5 Tips for DIY Appliance Repair

7 Most Common Issues With Your Ice Maker & Their Causes

 Pin Down What’s Wrong With Your Ice Maker With Our Handy Guide 

For all that, it has a very simple job, your ice maker can become messed up in some truly unique ways. All you want is to be able to get a cup of ice, but your ice maker isn’t working the way that it’s supposed to. Maybe the ice is too small, or it’s hollow, or it’s not producing ice at all. When this happens, it helps to have a diagnostic sheet. Consider this post your handy diagnostic sheet to figure out why your ice maker is acting up. 

Whether you’ve got a standalone freezer or a built-in one, these will almost all apply. 

A quick note, some of these are easy enough to fix on your own, and we’ll tell you how to do it. Others, due to difficulty of access, or difficulty to test, we’re going to recommend you reach out to your preferred repairtech for that. 

Why Is My Ice Maker Is Not Working Or Not Making Enough Ice? 

There are several reason why your ice maker might not make enough ice, or any ice at all. To start off with you’ll want to check the control arm. This is the bar that senses when the ice maker has made ‘enough’ ice and it tells the freezer to stop. Make sure that yours isn’t loose, broken or accidentally caught in this off position first. The next step is to check out if your freezer or standalone ice maker is too warm. Just like your refrigerator, if your ice maker or freezer can’t ‘breathe’ or their internal temperatures are set too high, you’re not going to get a happy machine. So, you’ll want to make sure that there’s nothing blocking your compressors or vents, and that you have the temperature set around 0*F. A final one that you can check for yoursel fis whether or the water filter is clogged. If it’s been more than a year since your last changing, it’s time to get that done. Ideally you should change the filter every six months, but if you can’t we understand. (Although whether your ice maker does is a different matter.) 

Courtesy of Meruyert  Gonullu

Finally the two points that can cause your ice maker to not make enough ice that require professional help is if you have a defective water inlet valve or if your water inlet tube has frozen. For the first you need to check and see if the water inlet valve is working properly, and that requires testing the pressure of the flow. The second requires very carefully apply enough heat to defrost the tube, without damaging it. 

Ice Maker Is Making Ice, But Is Not Dispensing

Fortunately when it comes to the ice maker making ice but not dispensing, it’s much easier to deal with than your ice maker not making ice at all. 

Courtesy of Meruyert  Gonullu

If your ice maker has a clump in either the bin or the chute, you aren’t going to be getting an ice out of the ice maker until that melts. Your best bet is to lay down a towel and allow it to melt naturally. Or, if you’re impatient and very precise, you can choose to use an ice pick to try and chip at it to get it out. We don’t advise this one as it can damage your ice maker if you miss, but it is an option. The other option is that the auger, the spiral arm, that drives the ice towards the chute and breaks up clumps, has had the motor freeze over. If you don’t use your ice machine regularly, this can happen.  If this happens, it’s going to be behind the freezer wall, and it won’t actually be easy to see. You’ll only be able to guess that that is the issue by watching and seeing the auger isn’t moving, which not all freezers will allow. This is another one that’s delicate and requires a professional. It’s too easy for water to damage the motor further, and we really don’t want that. 

The Ice Maker Is Making Ice Cubes That Are Too Small

Courtesy of Vlad Samoylik

You might also have it that the freezing rods for your ice maker, if you have a standalone, have accumulated a large mineral deposit and this can cause issues. What happens is that the minerals stay between the freezing rod and the water, creating a barrier that keeps your ice from freezing properly. In that case you’ll need to defrost your ice maker, empty it, and descale the machine. That is going to look different depending on the machine, but if you’re uncertain you can always check the manual.  If you’ve got poor water flow to your ice maker on the other hand, if you have poor water flow, that’s going to be a different matter. If the water isn’t flowing easily, you’ve got several different causes to check out. First, go back to your water filter, hasn’t it been changed recently? (Are you seeing how many issues are caused by a poorly maintained filter?) After you’ve checked that, check out the water line on the back or sides of your freezer or ice maker. You want to make sure that there aren’t any twists or kinks in the line. Finally,  you’ll want to check if your freezer or ice maker is level. It might sound odd, but if your unit isn’t level then the water won’t flow properly into the tray and that is going to give you cubes that are too small/misshapen/hollow. 

The Ice Maker Is Making Too Much Ice

Courtesy of Cottonbro Studio

This one isn’t one we encounter too often, but occasionally we do get calls of “help my ice maker is making too much!” Fortunately, these are quick to diagnose. Start off by checking the bin for your ice maker. If the bin isn’t placed right, then the control arm (or other sensor) won’t be able to tell if ‘enough’ ice has been made. So, do a quick check to see if the bin is sitting properly. After that, you’ll want to take a look at the control arm itself. Earlier we talked about how a broken control arm could cause your ice maker to make no ice. This is the opposite problem. If the control arm is outright broken, it could cause the machine to produce continually. Finally, some freezers have a shelf that sits under the ice bin. You’ll want to make sure that you have one if you’re supposed to, as that links to how well your control arm works. If you don’t have one, but are supposed to, you can either reach out to a repair shop to purchase one, or see if the manufacturer of your freezer has one still in stock. 

The Ice Has An Odd Taste

Courtesy of Enrique Zafra

There’s nothing worse than getting your ice and discovering that it tastes terrible. There’s a few different reasons that can happen, and your water filter is one of them. If your water filter is expired or full of contaminants, it is reducing the ability to keep that out of your water. Old ice cubes are another issue. If you don’t use your ice maker regularly, ice can sit in the bin and acquire tastes from the freezer or the minerals left in the filter.  Last but not least, if your ice maker is within your freezer, poorly wrapped freezer items can lead to your ice picking up scents and tastes. 

The Ice Maker Is Leaking

Courtesy of Enrique Zafra

If your ice maker is leaking, you would naturally look to see if any of the lines are cut or buttons are pressed in. And that’s a good start. However, you might also be looking at ice clumps getting stuck and melting or your refrigerator not being level. These are common issues and easy enough to fix. 

The Ice Maker Itself Is Frozen

Our final issue is when the ice maker itself freezes. This might be that the entirety of the ice maker freezes up, or that the motors do. In either case, it points to one of two issues. Either your temperature is set too low, or your water inlet tube has frozen over. If it’s the first one, it’s easy enough to fix. If it’s the latter though, you’ll want to call in a professional to assess the situation and bring the proper tools to warm things back up without damaging the freezer. 

Some issues are easy to fix when it comes to your ice maker not working, others require a professional to look into. Whichever camp you’re in at the moment, Appliance Rescue Service is here.  We understand that you don’t always have time to break an issue down and fix it, and that’s why we work with your schedule to send out one of our technicians. We want to help get your home running smoothly again. 

Did we answer your question? Let us know over on our Facebook page! 

If you’re having issues with your ice maker, or any of your other major appliances, you can reach out to us via our contact page or by giving us a call at ((214) 599-0055). 

Additional Posts To Read 

Refrigerator Troubleshooting    

Ice Maker Maintenance