Four Common Sounds Your Refrigerator Can Make And What They Mean
So your refrigerator is making funny noises; your first question is going to be, why. Whether your fridge is knocking, gurgling, buzzing, or humming, all of them have been encountered before. That's the bad news. The good news is that we can answer why it's happening and tell you if it can be fixed.
If Your Refrigerator is Buzzing
If your refrigerator is buzzing off and on, the most likely cause is the water lines for your ice maker. Pay attention to when the buzzing is happening. If it happens for a short period of time when your fridge is drawing water, that's normal and not something to worry about. If you notice it is being abnormally loud when your fridge is drawing in water, you might have a calcium buildup in the ice maker pump.
If your refrigerator is buzzing near consistently or all the time, the compressor might be the problem. A quick test you can try is to unplug the fridge and then plug it back in after about 5 minutes. If that doesn't fix the issue, you can do one of two things: call an experienced technician to check the compressor, or if you're comfortable, you can check yourself. What you'll need here is a multimeter. You'll check to see if the compressor shows an open circuit. If it does, the issue is something else, and your compressor works fine. If it doesn't show an open circuit, your compressor will likely need replacing.
If your compressor is fine, the condenser coils are the next place to look. These can easily become dirty or frosted over. Again we suggest unplugging the fridge; only this time, you're going to vacuum the area around the coils. Once you turn the fridge back on, keep an eye on it for several hours to days for any additional noises.
If these have yet to solve your problem, then the final place to check would be the condenser and evaporator fans. Again it might be debris that is causing an issue. Start by unplugging your fan, finding where the fans are located on your fridge model, and vacuuming away debris. While you have it unplugged, you might also look at turning the fans by hand. If they catch or can't turn the entire way around, they might need to be replaced.
If Your Refrigerator is Humming or Vibrating
There's a distinct sound difference between humming and buzzing, and the causes for this are also distinctly different. The most common cause of vibrating or humming for your refrigerator is that it needs to be leveled or that it's pressed too closely against the wall. If that's the case, it's quite easy to grab a level and check that and then pull the fridge away from the wall that it's closest to.
Another possibility is that there are debris caught near the fans. If the humming is coming specifically from the back of your fridge, you should vacuum that out. It's not uncommon in many households for this to be the issue. Not because people don't vacuum regularly but because most of us don't think to vacuum behind our refrigerators.
An utterly benign reason is that your refrigerator is settling into the best speed in order to keep itself cool. So while you should keep an eye on the frequency or harshness of the humming, it doesn't mean straight away that there's a problem.
If Your Refrigerator is Knocking or Rattling
If your fridge is knocking or rattling as though you're in the area of a fracking operation or an earthquake, your fridge might be off balance. This is the most common problem with this sound.
A close second, however, is making sure that you don't have anything heavy on top of the fridge. If your roof of the fridge is being pressed down by a heavy object or many objects, the water lines can be pressing against it and causing a rattling sound. In general, we advise keeping heavy items away from the top of your refrigerator.
Original Image courtesy of =Max Rahubovskiy
The final point is that if you hear the knocking constant, you should call a technician as soon as possible, as it means the compressor is most likely going out.
If Your Refrigerator Is Gurgling
No, it is not the creature from the Black Lagoon; it's your refrigerator.
If you only hear a little bit of gurgling or trickling, but you're not finding a puddle under your fridge, it's okay! This is actually a normal sound. What matters more is if you hear the sound and then find a puddle.
The first reason you might hear gurgling is the coolant or oil dripping from inside of your compressor from top to bottom. As long that is not leaking out, you're in good shape. If you notice it leaking, call a technician as soon as possible, as the compressor most likely has a damaged casing or is about to go out.
The second reason that you might hear gurgling is that water can drip on the inside of the refrigerator due to its normal defrost cycle. It won't have any long-term effects on your fridge. However, if you start to notice lots of water pooling, you might have an issue with frost forming, and your refrigerator is kicking into defrost more often than normal to compensate for that. To fix that, we suggest removing items from your fridge or freezer and making sure that you're not blocking any events or temperature sensors before putting anything back in. If the problem is still happening after you've gone through that, that's the time to call a technician.
So the next time your refrigerator starts to make a strange noise, Don't panic right away. Instead, consult our guide to find out what type of noise it is and what are some of the things you can do to possibly solve the problem on your own. This way, in the event that you do have to call a technician, you can say that you did try before having to call in the experts, and you might be able to save yourself a bit of money.
What is the weirdest noise your refrigerator or another appliance has made? Tell us in the comments over on our Facebook page!
If your refrigerator is giving you trouble, though, and you aren’t comfortable working on it, not to worry! Appliance Rescue Service will work with you to set a time and date that works with your schedule. If your refrigerator is making weird noises, we want to help. You can reach out to us by giving us a call at ((214) 599-0055) or by setting up an appointment through our contact page.