Kitchen Safety: How to Prevent a Cooking Fire

The holidays are coming and that means lots of cooking and time spent in the kitchen!

Did you know that HALF of all residential fires are caused by cooking accidents in the kitchen?

Take these precautions from Appliance Rescue Service in Dallas, Texas to prevent any kitchen accidents this holiday season:


Don’t Deep Fry Your Turkey in the Kitchen.

Many people like the taste of fried turkey during the holidays – us included! – but plan to do your frying outdoors if at all possible. Grease fires are very common when a ton of grease is used indoors, and those grease fires can be difficult to put out. If you ever find yourself with one in the home, pour baking soda or salt – not water! – on the fire.


Never Leave Food on the Stove Unattended.

If you’re boiling, frying, or grilling anything on your stove or cooktop, plan to be in the room at all times – particularly if you have a gas cooktop with a flame.


Keep the Cooktop Clean.

Not only do you need to make sure your cooktop is clean and without grease, but you also need to make sure that there aren’t any hot pads, plastic bags, etc. close to the cooktop that could catch on fire.


Check All Appliances Before Leaving the House.

Get in the habit of swinging by the kitchen on your way out the door to make sure all burners and appliances are turned off completely.

kitchen safety tips dallas texas appliance repair dallas


Establish a “Kid-Free” Zone.

Teach children to be safe around all kitchen appliances. The American Red Cross recommends having children stay 3 feet away from the cooktop area.


If you’re concerned it might be time for your appliances to get a tune up before the holidays, call us at Appliance Rescue Service, the top appliance repair company in Dallas, Texas! We’d be happy to come inspect your appliances and make sure everything is in excellent working order before the holiday season. Don’t delay in calling – we may need to order parts and we want to make sure everything is in perfect condition before Thanksgiving!