Watch Out for These 10 Fridge Warning Signs

How do you tell the difference between your fridge needing repair versus when it’s time to replace it? 

Here are ten warning signs that your kitchen workhouse needs to see the doctor ASAP. 

It’s Making Strange Sounds 

You can hear the motor running

Let’s face it, fridges are not typically the quietest of appliances. You should hear a soft hum most days, letting you know that the condenser and motor are working. If that hum has recently gone up in volume or has become a buzz, it’s time to be concerned. This can be an early sign that there’s an issue with either your condenser or the evaporator fan. 

There are ‘unusual’ noises such as knocking, banging or clattering

You ignored the ‘buzz,’ and now your fridge is actively making /noise/. Be it buzzing, banging, knocking, or clanking, this means something has gone wrong. Refrigerators are something that we run continuously, and that means the parts take on wear and tear. If you’re hearing unusual noises, it’s definitely time to get your fridge checked out. 

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It’s Running Too Hot or Too Cold 

The Outside casing is Hot

If you reach out to touch the side of your fridge, or even the back and find that it’s hot, not just warm, can indicate a problem. This can mean the motor is working too hard or that the coils are damaged or obstructed in some way. 

Your freezer resembles an iceberg

On the other hand, if your freezer is looking like the iceberg that sank the Titanic, your seal might be damaged. An easy way to find out is to unplug and defrost your freezer. If it starts building up ice again after you’ve done that, you’ll know that you need to call in the experts. 

Excessive Condensation

Excessive condensation can appear either on the outside of your fridge or the inside and show two different problems. 

Outside- The fridge isn’t cooling properly, and you need to take a look at the rubber seal around the door. Check if there are any water droplets, mold, mildew, or cracking. The good news is that you might be able to fix this one on your own.

Inside- your temperature settings aren’t right, or the fridge is struggling to keep it at that temperature. This is going to lead to your food spoiling if left alone too long. 

Your Food is Spoiling Rapidly

This one can be caused by multiple problems we’ve discussed and is one of the ‘later’ signs that your fridge is on its way out. 

  • The coils might be dusty

  • Your thermostat is malfunctioning or dead 

  • The motor is working overtime, and the condenser coils are running way too hot. 

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Your Fridge’s Age is Showing

Your Fridge isn’t Energy Efficient

If your wallet is taking a hit, and you know you haven’t changed your power usage, take a look at your fridge. It might be sucking in more energy to try and keep cool and compensate for aging parts. 

Take a look at this infographic for what you could be saving for your fridge and other appliances. 

You’ve Celebrated it Reaching Double Digits 

If you have recently marked the point when your fridge is ten years or older, it’s time to either start setting money aside for a new one, or repairs.

Like we mentioned above, with constant use, the parts of your fridge are under continual stress. This means that they do have a definite end of life. For most refrigerators, this is between 10 and 15 years, if properly maintained. 

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Other Signs 

You See Water Under the Fridge

It’s never a good sign if you’ve got a puddle forming under your fridge. Check out these things before it grows into a lake. 

  • Is the door sealing correctly? If not, the condensation that’s forming could be dripping down. 

  • The drip pan underneath might be broken. 

  • Are the hoses from the fridge to the drip pan either loose or damaged? 

These are all things that can be repaired, but if left too long can cause damage to other areas of your fridge. 

The Lights Are On But No One Is Home

If you were to open your fridge right now, the light would turn on, and you’d hear a faint hum, right? Sometimes though, that hum will vanish, and when that happens, it’s a sign that the compressor is struggling or has outright died.

Two things you can try to reboot it are:

  • Defrosting the fridge -this will give the compressor a chance to fully power down and cool off. 

  • Cranking the thermostat to the coldest setting -this has the potential to kick start the compressor back to life. 

If your fridge or freezer is acting up and exhibiting any of these times, let our technicians help you out. 

Did we miss a warning sign for telling if your fridge is on it’s last legs? Do you have any suggestions for other appliance warning signs?