Dishwasher Making Noise? Learn What it Means from Appliance Rescue Service. 

Dishwashers are very handy in the kitchen, saving us precious minutes that we would otherwise spend washing and drying dishes individually. But when your dishwasher is making loud, strange sounds, it can be concerning. Before there is a major issue with your dishwasher, learn why your dishwasher is making noise and what those noises mean, from Appliance Rescue Service in Dallas, Texas:

Swishing Noise

If you hear a swishing noise in your dishwasher, there is no cause for alarm. During the wash cycle, the spray arm will spray water into the basin and that is the noise you are hearing.

Loud Banging Noise

If the noise is especially loud, like a loud banging that might echo a little afterward, then you might have a water hammer that needs professional attention. A water hammer occurs when a valve is shut off quickly and the water is forced to “bang” against that closed valve. 

Rhythmic Thumping or Knocking Noise

A rhythmic thumping or knocking noise can usually be attributed to a spray arm hitting something inside the dishwasher at regular intervals. Open the dishwasher door, take a peek inside, readjust anything that might be hitting, then restart the dishwasher. The problem should be solved, but if it isn’t, then give a dishwasher repairman a call. 

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Squealing Noise

Is your dishwasher new? New dishwashers do not have water inside them yet, so sometimes a new unit can squeal a little as mechanisms begin working and water has not fully filled the dishwasher cavities yet. The same issue can occur in a vacation home where a dishwasher goes months without use. If you suspect this is an issue, try pouring a little water in the bottom of the dishwasher basin before starting the cycle to see if it solves the issue. 

Humming Noise

A mild humming noise can be normal, but if it’s loud or constant, then it could be a faulty motor or a fan that needs replacing. Call a professional dishwasher repairman to properly diagnose the issue.

Still have questions about your dishwasher and why it’s making noises? Call us anytime at Appliance Rescue Service for a full diagnosis of your machine. We are your Dallas dishwasher repair specialists

Additional Reading

Dishwasher Deep Dive