Appliance Rescue Service

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Why You Should Schedule Regular Appliance Checks

Looking at that title, you’re asking yourself, `why in the world do my appliances need to be checked?’ 


Think about it this way, you schedule regular maintenance for your lawn, your car, your computers, even for yourself and your family, after a fashion. Why are your appliances any different? 

Take your car, for example. By getting it checked and tuned up regularly, you find problems before they start. If there are any problems, say that persistent whining when you’re going down the highway, the mechanic can fix them before they bloom into something truly hazardous, like your transmission freezing up. 

Your appliances need the same regular checking both in order to prevent problems and to keep small issues from growing into large ones. We’ve had some clients spend thousands of dollars on a new range only to have it die within a year because they didn’t get a problem with the interface checked out. A different client had to replace all of their wood flooring because they didn’t have a pipe fully connected for their washer, something a check would have noticed and fixed. A third client had to completely replace their custom bar when their ice machine broke down due to sediment build-up. The common thread here is that all of them had small problems that resulted in LARGE damages, all that could have been prevented.  

On the other hand, these customers are now some of our most prominent advocates. They’ve seen what can happen when you don’t take care of your appliances and are quick to point out the dangers to others. Like clockwork, every six months, we go out to their homes to give them the full check on everything, just to be safe. Because of that, they haven’t had any problems with their appliances that we didn’t catch. 

So now that we’ve covered the why let’s get into the how

How does Appliance Rescue Service handle a maintenance check

  • The process starts when you call or go online to schedule an appointment. You decide whether you want us to take a look at all of your appliances, or if you want us to take care of just one or two. 

    •  As an example, ice machines and refrigerators are the two we service most often, due to the build-up of sediments and dust in or on various parts. Ice machines should be serviced at a minimum every six months, preferably every four if you use it daily. Refrigerators are best on a six-month check-up due to the condenser coils, but you can get away with yearly. Your other appliances should be checked on a yearly basis.

  • You pick a date and time that works for you, and we put you into our schedule. 

  • The day comes, and we dispatch one of our service technicians. They’ll confirm with you what you wanted them to check, and then offer you a quote for the work, before they dig in. 

  • They’ll then start to look over your appliances, in the case of a full maintenance check, this means all of them. Refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, ovens, washing machines, dryers, microwaves, ice machines, all of them. 

  • As they go over each appliance, they’ll let you know how things are looking and if they find anything. You can stay with them as they go or go about your day as you usually would. 

  • Once they’ve looked over everything, seals, wires, water lines, and all, they’ll talk with you about what problems they’ve found, if any. If they have, they’ll lay out what the issues are, and what the estimates would be for fixing them. They’ll also let you know if you’re better off replacing the appliance entirely. 

  • After everything has been gone over and estimates have been discussed, our technician will clean up their tools and be on their way. You’ll know whether everything is working well with your appliances or if you need to schedule for actual repairs. 

    • Because there are few things we don’t handle, we might end up making suggestions to other businesses in the area that we know and have recommended to satisfied clients in the past. An example of this is our friends over at You can go to their website or give them a call at 214-972-0230. 

  • Most importantly, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that everything is well in hand. 

If you’re ready to take that next step and get peace of mind knowing that your appliances are well cared for, head over to our contact page. You can schedule an appointment right there, knowing we’ll take care of you and your home as if you were our own.

Additional Reading

Freezer Deep-Dive