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Bringing In The Smells Of Fall

It’s finally here and now your home can smell like it! 

Summer took forever didn’t it? Thankfully fall is finally here and that means cooler temperatures are coming! While we’re waiting for said cooler temps though,  it might help if we make our homes smell like fall. It’ll keep us happy while waiting for the weather to catch up at least. After all, smell is a human’s most powerful sense. 


Rather than layering new smells over the old, let’s take a moment to clean up. New smells will eventually fade and then you’ll be left with the ones you were trying to disguise. 


Getting Rid of the Bad 


Rather than starting with the most obvious point, the kitchen, let’s go elsewhere.  

Have you checked the humidity levels in your home? While yes, we live in Texas, your home can still trap moisture, whether that’s from showers, cooking or even plants. Go through your home with a hygrometer to measure the humidity. For any rooms that feel damp or where the walls are noticeably damp to the touch, consider using a dehumidifier.  


What about wall-to-wall carpets? Not only is this trend in kitchens and bathrooms outdated, it can rap smells and moisture. A runner or strategically placed carpets can be great alternatives. Wall-to-wall is asking for trouble in these spots though. Start by laying down a layer of powder deodorizer and vacuuming that up. Then, if you want to make a change down the road you can put in hardwood or tile and some rugs. 


Lets move around the rest of the house even as we continue to look at soft surfaces. Couches, beds, linens and curtains. All are areas that trap smells. 

Wash what you can and spray what you can’t with a deodorizing spray. We’re going to suggest one with a neutral smell rather than a scent, this way you don’t overwhelm your nose later. 


Finally let’s move on to most obvious sources of bad smells. 

Garbage cans, diaper pails, litter boxes and pet beds and finally your garbage disposal

Empty them, scrub them, run vinegar through the disposal, and put a packet of silica gel at the bottom to absorb moisture and odor. 


Lie back and bask in the clean and neutral scent of your home! You’ve done the hard stuff, now let’s get to the fun part. 


… To Layer In The Good

Let’s start by opening up the windows. While this isn’t always possible during the day (we know we need our AC still,) if you can open them just an inch at night, you’ll get lots of benefits. Not only will you get a great  cross-breeze to cool your home, you’ll also bring in scents that will last most of the day. 

Some examples we’ve smelt in our neighborhood at this time of year include: 


- Leaves

- Wind 

Those last two might sound very vague, but there’s a difference in them that only happens during fall. It’s an undefinable scent that if you know it, you’ll always pick up on it. 




From here let’s move on to building the scent of your home. We’ll start with a spray that you can use on your soft surfaces. 

If you have a specific scent that you love, why not carefully mist it throughout? (We say carefully because you want the smell to be pleasant and light, not ‘punch in the face’ overwhelming.)  This recipe can be scaled up or down, depending on how much area you have to cover. 

½ cup white vinegar

½ cup rubbing alcohol

1 tsp cornstarch

20 drops  of your favorite essential oil or blend. 


Note: Make sure to shake well before each use and test on a small area before spraying the full surface. 


Stove Top Potpourri 

Next up is a staple in the north, simmer pots. A simmer pot is a small pot of water that you put to low heat (hence ‘simmer’) with your own blend of spices or dried fruits mixed into the water. They’re a great way to bring a fantastic warmth to your home. You can leave them gently bubbling on the stove or even a radiator all day to release the spicy scent. Just make sure to check on it occasionally to top up the water. Burning a pot is not great for your stove. If that’s something you worry about, you can make use of a crockpot instead. 


Last stop, pull out the candles. 

So you have your base notes for your home, that's the light spray on your soft surfaces. Base notes bring depth to a scent, and in the case of your home these are the ones that are there all the time. You’ve got your mid notes, as the simmer pot, these are the ones that are warm and comforting. Now let's bring in the top notes, that bring spice and pop to your home with candles and scent diffusers. These are the ones that aren’t going to be there all the time and if you use too many you can overwhelm your home and your senses. 


Candles should be used sparingly, unless they’ve got a light scent,  in which case, have fun and enjoy the sparkle. 


When it comes to recipes for your simmer pot or using the essential oils, Pinterest is your friend. We’ve included our favorite recipes for each at t6he bottom that you can use as a starting point. 


Put all together you’ll have created a custom scent that’s unique to your home and creates a truly inviting and relaxing retreat away from the world. Are you excited for fall? Can you tell that we are? What is your favorite scent or mix of essential oils? Tell us down in the comments below or over on our Facebook, we’d love to try out some of your suggestions.  

If you need help with your stove, or any of your other major appliances, we’re here to help



Simmer Pot Recipe: 

6 whole cloves

6 star anise 

1 sliced apple

½ cup cranberries 

2 sticks of cinnamon 



Woodland Romp :

Use this for your spray or in a diffuser around your home. 

12 drops cypress

6 drops white fir

6 drops sandalwood