dishwasher repair dallas

Appliance Rescue Tipline: Help! Something Melted in my Dishwasher!

As an appliance repair company in Dallas, we’ve heard this phrase before! And we don’t blame you.


We know you put all the plastic items perfectly organized on the top rack, but somehow during the cycle, that pesky plastic utensil slipped through the cracks and landed on your heating element in the bottom of your dishwasher.


So now, you’re left with the pungent smell of burning plastic and no clue how to get it off without dishwasher damage. Follow these easy steps from Appliance Rescue to remove melted items from your dishwasher:


Step 1: Disconnect the Dishwasher

Locate the power cord (normally under the sink beside the dishwasher) and disconnect the unit from all power sources.

Step 2: Finish Unloading Dishes/Cool Dishwasher

Take all dishes out of the dishwasher for easier assess to the burning issue at the bottom of your dishwasher. While unloading, the dishwasher will cool. Do not attempt to remove the melted item before the dishwasher is completely cooled off.

Step 3: Remove Melted Item

The best way to do this is to grab some ice from the freezer, put it in a Ziploc bag, and place the ice on the melted object. The ice will help the plastic harden, which helps make it easier to remove. Gently pry the plastic item away from the heating coil, carefully avoiding any damage to the coil or pulling hard enough to disrupt the brackets holding it in place.

Step 4: Remove Plastic Residue

Grab some acetone-based nail polish remover and put some on a clean cloth. Apply the cloth of nail polish remover to the melted plastic residue for at least 5 minutes, then begin scrubbing until all plastic is removed.

Step 5: Clean the Heating Element

Put a little dish soap and warm water on a sponge and gently clean the heating element to remove any remaining plastic or nail polish remover. Rinse and repeat until you are satisfied.


If you are still concerned about ruining the heating element, you can always call the experts at Appliance Rescue Service in Dallas, Texas! Our team will take care of your appliance repairs in no time, with fast, courteous service that doesn’t cost a fortune.

How to Deep Clean Your Dishwasher

You run your dishwasher every day (or nearly every day), so it should be sparkling clean, right?!




From talking with countless customers about their home appliance repairs, at Appliance Rescue, we have come to realize that this is a common misconception. In order to keep dishes spotless and extend the life of your dishwasher, deep clean your dishwasher with these simple tips:


Step 1: Clean the Filters

As a good rule of thumb, remove and clean your filters every time you re-add rinse aid. Remove the filter(s) and soak them for approx. 10 minutes in warm, soapy water. Scrub off any remaining particles of gunk that are stuck in the filter. Keeping the filters clean adds efficiency and longevity to your dishwasher.


Step 2: Run a Vinegar Cycle

Vinegar is one of the simplest and time-proven cleaning agents there is. With its acidic nature, vinegar can be used to clean nearly anything! Splash a cup of vinegar in the bottom of your dishwasher before running a cycle to boost cleaning performance and cut through grit and grime stuck inside the washer.


Step 3: Run a Baking Soda Cycle

Now that you’ve cleaned with vinegar, pack a one-two punch with baking soda! Baking soda neutralizes odor. Sprinkle baking soda in the bottom of your machine, let it sit overnight, then run another empty cycle.


Step 4: Scrub the Crevices

Grab a small cleaning brush – such as a toothbrush – and scrub any remaining debris, particularly in the crevices and in the door seal. The door seal is an easily forgotten part of the dishwasher where grime likes to hide. And don't forget to wipe down the control panel and handle on the exterior!


Follow these steps to a cleaner dishwasher, and remember, if you ever have dishwasher issues and need dishwasher repair in Dallas, the experts at Appliance Rescue Service are just a phone call away. We provide the best customer service in town, proudly serving Dallas, Plano, McKinney, Richardson, Irving, Forney, Las Colinas, and the surrounding Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.

dishwasher repair dallas appliance rescue service

Additional Reading

Dishwasher Deep Dive