
Week-End Stir Fry to fill you up for days

We love this recipe and we hope you do too.

We're going for a filling meal with this one - one that's going to last for several days in the fridge. You can downsize if you want to, OR break portions down and freeze them for later noms. You can also swap out different proteins, based on what you want. You can add more or less of individual ingredients until you're happy with the amounts and variety of food. This is one of our favorite ways to use up left over bits and pieces of different veggies at the end of the week. 


Bell peppers (preferably red, possibly orange and yellow. But we don't advise green peppers for this meal.) 


2 can Baby Corn

2 can Water Chestnuts


Snap Peas

White Onion

Chicken  - Preferably already breaded, but if not, you can DIY it. 

Rice Noodles  (or soba, both will work) 

Hoisin Sauce

Brown sugar

Fresh garlic

Sesame seed oil 

Tools: Grater, Chef's knife, cutting board, frying pan or wok, 6qt pot, measuring cups and spoons, Slotted spoon and chopsticks 


We could just go with "chop the veggies," but we're not doing that to you. For the peppers, go ahead and start by cutting them into quarters and cleaning out the pieces of the white pith and the seeds. Then cut them into strips, and cut those strips into either chunks or halves, depending on how much you like peppers.  For your carrots, we suggest using a mandolin grater or cutting them on an angle. You want them to be relatively thin so that they'll cook up easily. For your onion, you want to dice it. Next grab your broccoli and break it down into small florets so that sauteing will be enough to cook it. 

Next, grab a wok, a caldera or an oversized frying pan. Set the heat to medium, and when the pan is hot, pour in two tablespoons of sesame seed oil. Next add your garlic and onions and add those to the pan, tossing occasionally. Once your onions have gone for a minute, add in the carrots and broccoli, moving them around the pan so that nothing burns. Once the carrots are bendy, add in your red peppers and snap peas. You want to cook them until they are nice and sauteed. Finally add in your water chestnuts and baby corn. Those you're adding in just so they're heated through. At that point, pour everything into a heat proof container and set it to the side. 

In a separate pot, bring water to boil, and add your soba noodles and boil for 6-7 minutes or until cooked, but still slightly firm. Reserve one cup of the pasta water, and drain the rest, setting aside the noodles.

Cook chicken in wok, as if on a frying pan, checking and turning regularly to keep anything from burning.  Once it's fully cooked, you can remove it and chop it up if you want, or leave it as is.  

Now for our sauce. This one is... as odd as it sounds, mostly based on how you're feeling today. Start off by peeling and chopping your garlic, and tossing it into your wok, to sauté. We're not going to say how much to use here, because it's based on a) how much food you've made and b) how much you like garlic. We would advise starting with a ratio of 1 clove: 1/2 cup of brown sugar :1 tbsp of sesame oil: 1/2 cup of water, but there's no reason to stick with that. Now add in 1/2 cup of brown sugar, 1 tbsp of sesame oil, and 1/2 cup of water, mixing slowly and thoroughly. 

Once your sugar is fully melted and integrated, grab your chicken and add that back to the pan, coating all sides. Now add your veggies and repeat the process, and finally your soba noodles. 

If you want to add in a bit of kick, you might consider adding some crushed red pepper or Sriracha during the making of the sauce, but that's up to the individual. 

Let us know what you make over on our Facebook page or down in the comments. We'd love to see photos of what your meal ends up looking like! 

Now if you're looking for help because your stove is having issues, refusing to light, refusing to stay lit or is sputtering, we can help! You can call us today at ((214) 599-0055) or go to our contact page and make an appointment today.  We'll work with you to find a time that works for your schedule.