kitchen creativity

Berry Bliss: A Delectable Mixed-Berry Clafouti Recipe

Explore the art of culinary rebellion with our unexpected twist on clafouti.

Picture this: a classic recipe, a cupboard full of mixed berries, and a touch of culinary rebellion. That's where our journey begins—a playful twist on tradition, a deviation from the expected.

In the realm of clafouti, cherries typically steal the show. But armed with fresh blueberries and a stash of thawed, drained mixed berries, we set out to create a berry-packed spectacle that dances to its own tune.

Here's to embracing the delightful unpredictability of the kitchen, where ingredient swaps and adventurous spirits collide. Join us as we uncover the charm of our mixed berry clafouti—a testament to the joy found in breaking culinary norms and reveling in the delightful surprises that grace our plates.


1 pound assorted berries

1/4 cup butter

4 whole eggs

1 cup granulated sugar

3/4 cup flour

2 teaspoons vanilla extract 

1 cup whole milk

Pinch salt


Large oven-safe baking dish

Mixing bowls

Measuring cups and spoons

Whisk or mixer

While a clafouti is traditionally made with cherries... guess who has no cherries? Us! So we decided to have a little fun with it and make a mixed berry clafouti.

We had some fresh blueberries on hand, and maybe a half cup or so of frozen mixed berries that we thawed and drained. If you're starting with all fresh, obviously, there's no need for that step, but you'll absolutely need to take the extra minute or two to wash your produce.

We chose to use a 2-quart round baking dish. That's not a hard rule - you can use whatever you have handy. If you use something less dense (say a large Pyrex dish), adjust your cook time down accordingly and check frequently. 

Once your ingredients are gathered and produce washed, grease the pan you plan to use. We used some butter, simply because it was already out for the rest of the recipe.

In a small dish, melt the quarter cup of butter and set it aside for now.

Beat the eggs, then add the pinch of salt and sugar together to the eggs. Whisk well. Once thoroughly combined, add about half of your flour and stir it in.

We started this recipe with a whisk but kind of made a mess... so we raided the cabinets and got out the hand mixer. We used it with only one beater and had a much easier time of things. We highly recommend using a hand mixer if available; your arm will thank you later.

Pour the melted butter into the mixture slowly, stirring constantly as you add. (This is where that hand mixer really shines.)

Measure out your milk - whole milk works best - and add just a little to the batter.

Go back to your flour and add the rest now. Try to avoid any big clumps of flour, that way you won't spend too much time trying to break them up. After the last of the flour is stirred in, you can add the rest of the milk.

The milk will look like it's trying to stay separate, but don't worry, you'll be able to get it mixed in shortly.

Once you've got your batter ready, dump your berries into the baking dish. Make sure they're an even layer, not all mounded up on one side. 

Pour the batter over the berries and resist the urge to stir. We know, we've been telling you to stir everything this time... and now we're telling you not to. It's unexpected. 

Stick the baking dish, uncovered, into the oven. Bake at 350 for an hour and ten minutes (again, that's for a deep round dish - start around 45 minutes for a shallower dish). Use the toothpick test to make sure it's done; if you're getting anything other than berry juice when you test, put it back for five more minutes at a time until you get a clean test.

Allow it to cool 20-30 minutes before attempting to serve.

Optional step: dust with powdered sugar before serving.

If this berry-filled escapade has nudged your curiosity or inspired your own kitchen rebellion, let it be a testament to the joy found in embracing culinary unpredictability. After all, the best recipes often emerge from a dash of creativity and a sprinkle of daring experimentation.

Now, while we revel in the delights of culinary exploration, let's not forget that a smoothly running kitchen often relies on trusty appliances. From the oven that breathes life into your culinary creations to the trusty fridge keeping ingredients fresh, Appliance Rescue Service stands by to ensure your kitchen runs seamlessly. We understand that just like in cooking, sometimes, a dash of expert care and maintenance can keep everything running like clockwork.

So, as you bid adieu to this berry-filled journey, remember that our team is here not just for recipes but also to rescue any hiccups in your appliance symphony. Whether it's a stove in need of some love or a dishwasher on strike, trust us to be your partners in appliance care and maintenance.

Ready to keep your kitchen humming? Schedule an appointment through our user-friendly website or give us a call at ((214) 599-0055). Let's ensure your appliances continue to be your kitchen's silent heroes, making way for more culinary escapades and delightful discoveries.

Additional Reading

Sweet Veggie Tropical Curry

Chocolate Raspberry Thumbprints

From Pantry to Pot: Wholesome Hunter's Stew for the Resourceful Cook

Embrace the joy of kitchen spontaneity with a recipe that celebrates resourcefulness and flavor.

Ever found yourself standing in the kitchen, contemplating dinner with a mix of ingredients that seem to be the last survivors in your pantry? Welcome to the land of culinary improvisation. Today’s star: a recipe that began with three forlorn chicken breasts, a can of petite diced tomatoes, and a handful of other odds and ends that somehow come together into something magical—a hearty, veggie-laden chicken soup that defies the ordinary.

So, grab your Dutch oven, gather those essential tools, and let's dive into a flavorful expedition where a splash of white wine, a heap of spices, and a generous dose of patience will transform these humble ingredients into a comforting masterpiece. We might bend a few rules along the way (who needs a meat thermometer, anyway?), but trust us, it’s all in the pursuit of flavor.


3 chicken breasts or 6 chicken thighs, boneless and skinless

Large can petite diced tomatoes

1 onion, chopped

1/4 cup butter

1/2 lb white mushrooms, cut

1/4 cup white cooking wine

4 cups chicken broth

1/4 cup instant mashed potatoes

1 teaspoon marjoram

1 teaspoon parsley

1/2 teaspoon basil

1/2 teaspoon rosemary

Salt and pepper to taste


Dutch oven 


Serving spoon or ladle 

Measuring cups and spoons


Cutting board 

Can opener



We're going to break the pattern here and assume your produce has already been cleaned. Surely, by now, you're tired of us telling you to wash things...

Melt your quarter cup of butter in the Dutch oven over medium heat and drop the chicken in to brown a little. This recipe works better with chicken thighs, but when we shopped, there weren't any in stock. (We thought we were out of the age of shortages and supply issues, but what do we know?) So, instead of thighs, we just used the three sad, neglected chicken breasts we had left in the freezer.

It's important to note that you don't have to cook the chicken all the way through at this step. We'll be shoving it into the oven later on, so don't bother with the meat thermometer this time. We just want the outside to get a little color and flavor, since that will help build the base later on. 

Once the chicken begins to brown, use the tongs to pull it and set it to the side on a plate.

Toss the mushrooms, onions, and spices into the Dutch oven and put the lid on. Let them cook for four minutes or so, then lift the lid and stir. We ended up cooking them for closer to eight minutes, but we started with some pretty huge pieces of onion. You're using the onions as your marker for how long to cook everything, so if you want less time, chop your onions smaller. 

Once the onion is translucent, splash the cooking wine in. Let it simmer and reduce uncovered for two or three minutes, stirring occasionally.

Time to add the tomatoes and chicken broth. Don't drain the tomatoes. Just stir them in to make sure they're somewhat evenly distributed. Then, return the chicken to the pot, put the lid on, and move it all to the center rack in the oven.

Allow it to come up to temperature with the oven. Set it to 450, and then set a timer for three hours. At this point, you're free to find another task to take care of. 

When the timer goes off, move it back to the stove top. Take two forks, lift the chicken pieces out onto a plate, and let them cool down a little.

Sprinkle your quarter cup of instant mashed potatoes into the broth a little at a time, stirring gently to prevent the potato flakes from sticking to the veggies instead of melting into the broth. You want to thicken up the broth, not create a congealed mass. 

Go back to that chicken and shred it to bits, then stir it back into the pot.

You now have a veggie heavy, hearty chicken soup. Enjoy!

And there you have it—a robust, flavorful chicken soup born from a handful of ingredients and a dash of kitchen ingenuity. As you savor each spoonful, let this meal be a testament to the delicious possibilities that emerge when culinary creativity meets necessity.

Remember, while we revel in concocting delightful dishes, our kitchens rely on our appliances to bring these recipes to life. Should your stove, oven, or any major appliance find itself in need of a little TLC, ARS is here to ensure your culinary adventures never hit a snag. Whether it’s a simmering soup or a baking extravaganza, our team specializes in keeping your appliances in top shape so you can continue creating delicious moments.

Don’t let a malfunctioning appliance dampen your kitchen enthusiasm. Reach out to us today to schedule a maintenance appointment through our user-friendly website or by giving us a call at ((214) 599-0055). Let’s keep your kitchen humming smoothly, allowing you to focus on what you do best—crafting culinary wonders that warm the soul and delight the taste buds.

Until our next flavorful rendezvous, happy cooking!

Additional Reading
Healthy and Flavorful: A Caponata Recipe That You'll Love

Jalapeno Chicken Bowtie Pasta