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Spicy Lemon Pepper Shrimp

A Bowl So Delicious You’ll Want To Eat It For All Three Meals

Sometimes you need something spicy. You need something that is going to be so tasty that everyone at the table will be left shocked. Sometimes, you stumble onto that recipe by accident. That’s what happened to us with this recipe.


1 lb shrimp, peeled and deveined

1/4 cup white cooking wine

1/4 cup heavy cream

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 tablespoon butter

2 scallions

2 cloves garlic

1 tablespoon crushed red pepper

1 teaspoon woodfired garlic seasoning (Kinder's brand)

salt and black pepper to taste


cutting board


large plastic container with lid

frying pan

measuring cups and spoons

spatula or tongs

Start with your shrimp. We like the pre-peeled frozen kind to cut down on the prep time, but if you don't mind the extra effort, starting with fresh is fine. Just keep in mind how quickly fresh seafood spoils. This is assuredly not a prep-ahead recipe.

Make sure you have your shrimp peeled, deveined, and rinsed. Set them into a large plastic container with a tight-fitting lid. Pour the lemon juice over them, then sprinkle with salt and pepper and woodfired garlic seasoning. Maybe shake in a little extra of that woodfired garlic (the stuff is addicting!). Put the lid on, check to make sure it's fully sealed, then give it a good shake to coat the shrimp.

Wash your scallions, trim them up and chop them. We like to have pretty sizable chunks - but if there are picky eaters involved, feel free to cut them extra fine. Just adjust your cooking time to avoid torching them to a crisp if you do. 

Scrape the scallions to one side of the cutting board and, in your open space, use the flat of your knife to crush the two garlic cloves. Once they're flattened, go over them in a rough chop just to make sure no one gets a big mouthful of garlic later.

Melt your butter in the frying pan over medium heat. Add the olive oil, then dump the scallions and garlic into the pan. Give them a quick stir, then let them simmer there for a couple minutes until fragrant.

Turn your attention back to the shrimp. Double check the lid (no one wants to wear dinner), and then give them another good shake. Drain out most of the liquid and add the shrimp to the pan. Cook them for three or four minutes, then flip with a spatula or tongs. The "few minutes a side" guideline is very dependent on how large they are. We went for the medium-large shrimp. If you started with the smaller or even salad-size shrimp, reduce the cooking time by a bunch - they cook through so fast! 

Once the shrimp start turning colors (you'll know they're done when they're no longer sort of gray and translucent; a food thermometer should read 145 at the thickest point of the largest shrimp), measure out your white wine and add it to the pan. It will sizzle and pop, but it shouldn't flare. The alcohol content in a cooking wine is relatively low.

Let it reduce for a minute or so, then measure and add your heavy cream. Stir a bunch at this stage to be sure the cream is evenly distributed and there aren't any hot spots in the pan where the wine has already boiled away.

If there's anyone in the family who detests spicy food, this is the time to remove a little for them and put it aside. (Can you tell we have one of those, who also flinches at big pieces of onion or pepper?)

Sprinkle your crushed red pepper generously over the shrimp, give everything in the pan a good stir and a flip, and allow it to simmer another minute longer to let the flavors meld.

While it's totally optional, we like to turn the heat up a little at this step and get a good sear to complement the richness of the sauce. If the pan is looking a little dry, splash a little extra wine or cream into it before turning the heat up.

Split it up into even servings before you let anyone know it's ready - this meal sometimes gets fought over if you're not careful!

We think the shrimp is best served over rice with a great big pile of mixed veggies, but it also works with a salad or pasta. Get creative with it - maybe it's a good sandwich filling or a stellar appetizer, too. We just haven't tried it all yet.

 Thanks for checking out our recipe this week! Let us know on our Facebook how it turned out for you!

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