Appliance Rescue Service

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Are You Ruining Your Appliances During The Holidays?

The holiday season is a blur of cooking, baking, and hosting, and there is no other time of year that our kitchen appliances are so front and center. But did you know that the way you use your appliances this holiday season could be ruining them? 

At Appliance Rescue Service in Dallas, Texas, we get a lot of service calls during the holidays and we want to help you avoid that predicament. Here are some common mistakes we see homeowners make when using their appliances during the holidays:

Mistake #1: Overstuffing the Refrigerator

You’ve got a lot of mouths to feed, so you’ve stuffed every nook and cranny in your refrigerator with food. While this may be okay for a day or two, be sure not to make this a habit for any extended period of time. When you overstuff the refrigerator, it makes the refrigerator work harder to keep everything at the desired temperature. Also, air cannot move as freely around the refrigerator, causing stress on the fridge and Dallas refrigerator repairs.


Mistake #2: Sending Everything Down the Disposal

A garbage disposal is a wonderful thing, but it’s not meant to take everything! Be sure you do not send any fats (think bacon grease), bones, potato peels, or fruit pits down the drain. All of these things are known to wreak havoc on your components and back up your drain. When in doubt, just put items in the trash can to avoid garbage disposal repair. 

Mistake #3: Cooking in your Microwave

Microwaves are excellent for quickly heating or reheating items, but you really shouldn’t use your microwave to cook an entire entrée. Many microwave manuals will say you can cook in your microwave, but extended heat times can cause cracking or popping and damage to the interior of your microwave. 

Mistake #4: Not Cleaning the Range Hood

Cooking that big holiday meal is going to require proper ventilation, and if your range hood is not properly cleaned, it can prevent air from flowing freely, creating stress on your appliance. Before cooking, be sure to properly clean any range hood filters and check for clogs in the exhaust ports.

As always, if you experience any appliance issues and need holiday appliance repair in Dallas, Texas, call us at Appliance Rescue Service! We strive to be the best appliance repair company in Dallas with quick turnaround times, honest, highly trained technicians, and excellent rates.